Chapter 6

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All I can hear is an earsplitting screech. I look over at Mrs. Stevens, and she’s curled up on the floor covering her ears. Her eyes are closed shut and a tsunami of tears is falling down her cheeks. I see something dash in front of me and out of the door of the hospital. I assume it must have been Christina, because she’s no longer standing next to me.

Nick’s dead. Nick Stevens- my best guy friend, quarterback of the football team, Christina’s soul mate, Christina’s baby’s dad. Christina’s baby is going to grow up without a father. I feel my body weaken. My vision is getting blurry, and Mrs. Stevens’ scream is fading away. I feel my legs give way and I see the ground spinning closer, and everything goes black.

                                    *                      *                      *

Beep. Beep. Beep. I hear and slowly open my eyes. I see machines on my right, and a whole bunch of wires and tubes on my left. I try to sit up but something in my back stings so I lay back down.

“Oh, you’re awake. I’m Doctor Cardenas. How do you feel?” a man on my right says.

“Um… I’m fine, I guess. My back hurts a bit. Oh my god! The babies! Are they okay? What happened? Why am I here?” I ask, suddenly frantic.

“The babies are fine. You passed out due to shock. You would’ve been fine, but when you fell you hit your neck on the edge of a granite table, and then you hit your head and hip on the tile when you hit the ground. The blow to your neck could have paralyzed you from the neck down, but it didn’t. Your back was injured, but nothing serious enough to have your lifestyle changed. You got very lucky.” He says and relief fills through me. The babies are okay. I look down at my belly, and I notice it’s bigger.

“How long was I asleep?” I say to Dr. Cardenas.

“Two months.” He says. Two months?! That’s insane, I’m five months pregnant now! Christina must know the sex of her baby by now. I gasp suddenly. Christina. Nick’s dead, she must be distraught! “Where’s Christina?” I ask the doctor.

“She’s in room 215. She’s okay, don’t worry.” He says surprisingly calmly.

“She’s here?! In the hospital!? What happened to her?” I demand.

“She’s been here multiple times since Mr. Stevens passed on. She’s had trouble coping with all this, and she’s attempted suicide twice. But her baby is fine.” He says.

“Get me too her! I need to see her! Now!” I yell at him. He laughs softly and turns to me.

“That’s what I thought you would say when you woke up. You can’t see her, but she’s in a stable enough condition to come over here. I’ll call her over here in a minute.” He says and walks out the door. I feel terrible for Christina, she’s had no one to be comforted by for two whole months. The door opens, and a much skinnier, much messier, and much more pregnant Christina walks in. Her eyes are empty, but when she looks up and sees me awake, they light up like a Christmas tree. She runs over to me and gives me an enormous hug.

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