Chapter 9

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“No! You have to leave, now! Sage, please make him leave!” I plead with her.


“Listen here fucktard. You have no right to talk to the mother of your children like that. I honestly don’t give a damn about you but Brooklyn has been through hell this past year and you haven’t done anything to help her. In fact, you were that start of all of this! So as a former teen who was pregnant, I would advise you to get you lazy ass out that door or I’ll call the cops.” She says and Mason’s eyes widen, but he quickly recovers.


“You think you can scare me with a few swear words and threatening me? I’m in military school. I get threatened every day. And you could never scare me. I’m like, two feet taller than you!” he says and I can see that he pushed it. Next thing I know, she threw a punch at her own eye and banged her calve against a table and fell to the ground. She lets out an earsplitting wail and I can hear doctors rushing through the hallways toward us. Mason is looking around in confusion, somewhat alarmed by the sudden appearance of doctors. One doctor looks from Sage to Mason and then looks at me and Nyla on the bed.

“What happened?” he says to Mason.


“I-I-I don’t know. She started punching herself- and then she fell.” He stutters, looking panicked.


“Sir, I may be misunderstanding this, but are you telling me that this girl punched herself and left that big of a bruise? Are you sure that you didn’t do this?” he says and turns to me. He thinks that Mason did this.


“Excuse me Miss, but did this man do this?” he asks me, gesturing to Sage on the ground. All the doctors look up at me expectantly. I see Sage wink at me softly then shut her eyes tight. She did this on purpose.


“Mommy! Why ow on da gwound?” Nyla squeals and crawls over to Sage.


“Um…” I hesitate. “Yeah.” I say with my final decision. Mason won’t get in too much trouble; it’s not a big deal. Hopefully he’ll just stop bothering me.


“No! What?! How could you say that?! You saw what she did perfectly well!” Mason stammers.


“Sir, we will have to turn you over to the police. You attacked a defenseless woman, and then lied about it to a doctor.” One doctor says and grabs hold of Mason. A nurse walks in with a stretcher and they wheel Sage out of the room. The remaining doctors grab hold of Mason, while the nurse dials 9-1-1 on the phone.


“Brooklyn, you can’t let them do this to me! I didn’t do anything!’ he pleads.


“I can’t do that Mason. And yes, you did do something. You caused so much stress for Christina and I that she went into labor three months premature. I don’t know what you came in here to say, but I don’t want to hear it. Anyone in their right mind would see that you are completely incapable of caring for anyone, much less three babies. And just so you know, I will never love you again.” I say as the doctors push him outside into the hall to wait. I really hope that that’s the last I will ever see of him, but somehow I doubt that.


I hear footsteps jogging through the hall, and another pair trying to catch up.


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