Chapter 8

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Holy shit. Christina’s in labor. I run back outside and I see Daniel’s car pulling out of the driveway.


“Wait!” I yell and waddle as fast as I can over there. He stops the car and leans his head out the window.


“Yeah?” he says and grins.


“Christina’s in labor. Can you drive me to the hospital? Please?” I beg, while completely out of breath.


“Of course! Hop in!” he says and unlocks the door for me to climb in. The entire ride to the hospital, unlike the ride to the house, is silent. I’m scared, really scared. She’s three months premature, something might go wrong. I know that there’s always a chance for things to go wrong, but this can go really wrong. Christina’s only 5’2 and she weighs 90 pounds, so she’s tiny. And the baby is half-Christina, so it will probably be tiny too. And it’s premature. It’s going to be miniscule.


“We’re here.” Daniel says. I look up and realize we’re in front of the hospital.


“Thank you so much.” I say and kiss him on the cheek before I shut the door.


“Hey,” he says and I turn back around. “She’ll be fine.”


“I hope.” I whisper and run into the lobby. “Hi, what room is Christina Stevens in?” I ask the receptionist.


“I’m sorry, but that is a private room. Visitors aren’t allowed during labor.” She says with a smirk when she notices my belly. That sets me off.


“I am the godmother of that baby and I will see to it that I get in there!”


“Fine, whatever. You could have just said that you’re family. She’s in 137.” She says as I take off in that direction. I see Mr. Mayor sitting in a chair outside of the room and I stop.


“Hey. Can I go in? How is she? Did she have the baby yet?” I ask, with about a million questions in my head.


“I don’t know. I don’t think she had it yet. You can go in if you want, I can’t stand blood. They had to do a C-section.” He says and I run in. Why did they have to do a C-section? Is something wrong? I see Christina lying on the bed surrounded by doctors, looking panicked. I run over and hold her hand. She can’t say anything because she has a mask over her mouth and nose, but I see her eyes look a little less panicked. Suddenly I hear a few wails.


“It’s a boy!” someone yells and the wailing trails off. They must have taken the baby to get it cleaned up. I look over at Christina and her eyes are watering up. The doctors quickly do something behind the screen and one comes over and takes the mask off Christina.


“It’s a boy.” I say. Her eyes widen and tears start falling down her cheeks.


“I have a son?” she whispers.


“Yes. I bet he’s as handsome as his daddy.” I say back and she smiles. A doctor comes into the room holding a tiny little blanket and hands it to Christina.

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