Chapter 7

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“Which one do you like better, the Mazda CX-9 or the Honda CR-V?” Chrissy says. We are at the car dealership, trying to buy a new car for me. After we got home from furniture shopping, we talked to Mr. and Mrs. Mayor about buying a new car for me and Chrissy. They were ecstatic, Chrissy was right. They love spending money. But we couldn’t go right then, or the next day. Setting up the baby’s rooms took a lot longer that we thought. It also completely drained our energy, so it’s been almost two weeks since then. I also talked to Principal Phillips, and I am now enrolled at an online high school.

“I like the Mazda. I’ll take it.” I say to the salesperson. “I’ll take it in white with the sand colored seats. And I want the heated seating, GPS, and the all-weather floor covers.”

“Wow. You sure know how to spend money.” Christina says with an impressed look on her face.

“What can I say? I learned from the best.” I say back. The salesperson comes back into the room with a piece of paper and a pen.

“Okay, so the car by itself is 47K, and your add-ons add a total of 2K more. So your total is $49,000. You can choose to pay it all up front or pay monthly.” He says. I look at Christina, and she gives me a nod of approval.

“I want to pay upfront.” I say. Paying monthly is a lot more work, and I now have the money to pay completely upfront. Once the babies come, I won’t have time to pay for a car.

Before I know it, I signed the papers and I’m driving my new car home.

“I can’t believe it! I just bought my first car!” I squeal.

“No, you have that old van too.” She says.

“No my parents bought me that one. I think I should give it back now that I have another car.”

“Yeah! And when you give it back, you can tell them that you’re expecting triplets! And they’ll see your car and they’ll be jealous because you’re living a more luxurious lifestyle than them!”

“Well, I will tell them that it’s triplets, but I don’t want to rub anything in their faces. I got pregnant, and they felt that I disgraced them.” I said calmly. When we get to Chrissy’s house, she got out of the car so I could drive to my parents house. As I’m driving, my hands are sweating. I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous, not even when I told them that I was pregnant. I arrived at my old house all too soon. I can see through the kitchen window that they are all sitting at the table for dinner. My chair isn’t at the table anymore; it looks like I never lived there. I slowly walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. I see though the window that my mom gets up to get the door. Thank god, I think that if my dad did he would slam the door in my face.

“Brooklyn?” my mom whispers when she opens the door.

“Hi mommy.” I whisper back.

“Who is it honey?” I here my dad yell from the kitchen.

“It- its Brooklyn.” She says, just softly enough for them to here. I hear a chair back up and footsteps run around the corner.

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