Chapter 6

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Captured takes a new meaning under the reign of the MDO. The mutants are separated the second their new collars are snapped into place.

It felt a lot like dropping a toaster into a bathtub.

Every attempt at using a power threw violent pain right back in their faces. Even for Sapphire who had eaten Oliver's sugar cube, could not focus enough to conjure up a snowflake.

The MDOs had always been a faceless nightmare for mutants, but now they were a faceless reality. No facial features set one of them apart from another, no quivers of lips, or predatory smiles. They were stone cold.

They kept the group of mutants separated from each other by another officer.

Ivan was only unconscious for a matter of minutes, but when he awoke, with more than a few curses from each personality, he seemed sluggish. His power to communicate and plan with his other personalities was gone. There was no more fight, no more chances to fight.

The woman swayed on her feet as her men moved to her command. It was obvious now that she despite being a mutant, was their leader. That seemed to make her more malicious, more evil than anything else. But now that the threat to her team had been neutralized, she seemed worn-- almost about to pass out.

The file on the project nuetralizer was handed to an underling, who accepted it and immediately rushed up the stairs as if that was his sole purpose in life. Oliver's had been left forgotten on the ground. The woman sneered at it before she picked it up and crumpled it in one hand.

When the captured mutants were all accounted for, an MDO approached her.

"There's one missing." He said in a deep voice.


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