Chapter 8

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The end of the world looks like a senior center, or that could be more drugs in everyone's systems.

It's obvious that the past day and a half has taken a toll on everyone. Ash was ashen pale, from lack of substances, Jack's skin was slick with perspiration and she doesn't seem to be conscious for the entire ride. Felix had woken up sometime during the ride, screaming in a panic so bad he had to be sedated again and restrained.

In the other car Jax seemed to pass out somewhere along the ride, his own sleeplessness catching up with him. Ivan stirred in his restraints as if being alone in his head was worse than hearing all of his opinions at once. Sapphire mourned the lost of her mother's key, and Xeno powerless to comfort her and powerless to do anything, stewed in his seat with biting comments under his breath.

The Rebels-- who might as well had been as bad as the MDO Considering the state of which Felix was after a couple hours-- did not attack again. The ride went on for hours untempered.

By the time they arrived at the HQ of the MDO, night had long since settled in. The stars shined like specks of broken glass in the sky. The building was quaint: one story with an area of a city block. The front doors had awnings and comfy outdoor chairs. The grass was a healthy green and freshly mowed based on the smell in the air.

A medical team site was waiting for them. The mutants were dragged from their seats and thrown to the labcoats like meat to a pack of wild wolves. The doctors didn't meet any of their eyes, answer any of their questions, as they did close and personal check ups on all of them, checking brusies, cleaning open wounds, taking blood. The collars never came off and the MDOs overmatched with safeties off.

One poor movement and they seem all to ready to end the new prisoners like they were to end blue skinned Lincoln and red haired Serena. Like they always seemed to be ready to do to all mutants.

In a flash of silver light, it becomes apparent that the medics are preparing seven large needles with some type of clear liquid in them. Whatever the mysterious solution is, it seems it's going in the mutants.

And that its going to hurt a lot when it does.


Start Main Chain here :)

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