Chapter 5

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Above is a picture of Aria Blake, played by Dianna Agron. 

I woke up to the sound my alarm. I groaned as a turned it off and rolled out of bed. I grabbed my uniform and turned to make sure Zander was still asleep before quickly changing. I walked over and woke him up as nicely as one could at 5 AM. Our first class was at 5:30. Apparently military schools liked starting extra early so that we could get used to being up at insane hours. Once Zander finally got up, we began to slowly walk to our first class, English. As we walked in, we were immediately greeted by a nice looking lady, I assume the teacher. 

"Hello! You must be Evan. I'm Mrs. Blake, but this class is pretty laid back, you can call me Aria."

"It's nice to meet you." I tried my best to seem polite even though I was barely awake. 

I decided to take a seat behind Zander after making sure no one already sat there. A few minutes after us, Alex and his crew came walking in, one by one. They all took seats in the back and began to talk. I eavesdropped of course. 

"Bro we should go to a party tonight, class doesn't start until 8 tomorrow," the boy I believe is Reese said. 

Alex turned to him with a smirk, "Hell yeah." He must have known I was watching, because after answering he looked right at me with a glare that basically said 'turn around before I kill you.' I quickly turned and began to pay attention to Mrs. Blake. She was collecting the essays that everyone was supposed to write. Luckily I came just in time and got to skip the assignment. I watched as Alex handed in "his" essay and rolled my eyes. What a jerk. I was interested in that party. Maybe I could go and meet up with Davina there. 

The class went by pretty quick considering that it was 2 hours. Afterwards, Zander and I walked to the cafeteria to get breakfast. I have to admit, the food looked way better than a normal high school. There were omelettes, pancakes and waffles being served. Not to mention plenty of fruits, muffins and bagels. This place was starting to look up. Zander and I took a seat by ourselves in the corner. I could tell why he got so sad when I asked what people did for fun around here. I don't think he has many friends. We talked about English for a little while, until I brought up the party. 

"So listen, I think we should crash a party. I heard Alex talking about it and I think it would be fun. We could just follow behind them and go without them even knowing." 

He looked up, "I don't think that's a good idea. I like avoiding Alex and his friends as much as possible." I felt bad for him. 

"C'mon Zander it'll be fun. Plus... Davina will be there," I said with a hinting smile. He definitely had a thing for her. He quickly looked up again and gave me a questioning look. 

"Fine. But if anything goes wrong, we're never doing this again." 

"Sounds fair. Trust me it will be fun." 

We finished our breakfast and began walking to our next class that began at 8. Not gonna lie, I was nervous. It was a combat training class. I wasn't that short, but I was definitely skinnier than anyone else in the class. Two attractive teachers walked through the door at the start of the class and started talking about what we would be doing today. 

Zander whispered, "Their names are Coach Jesse and Coach Matt." I nodded and quietly thanked him. 

Unfortunately, today was a sparring day where we would just go against other people in a boxing ring until one person tapped out or the limited time ended. To make things even worse, I was in a bracket with Zander,  Alex and his three of the four minions. Just my luck. The first round was me against August. Up close I got a closer look at his green eyes. He was handsome. Long story short, he had me pinned down and gasping for air after like 15 seconds. The guy was strong. The next round was Alex and Grayson. They both laughed as they walked into the pin, but the second Coach Matt said go, their faces turned serious. They went at each other like they hated one another's guts. They almost made it to the 5 minute time limit but in the last twenty seconds, Alex got him in a choke hold and he had to tap out. It was impressive. Zander lost his fight against Ares, but it was very close. I couldn't understand why he didn't fight back against Alex when he obviously knew how to. In the next round I had to fight Alex. I knew the outcome before even getting into the pin, it was obvious he did too. He had a huge arrogant smirk.

"Your face still looks like hell, I'm proud of myself." 

"Let's just get this over with," I muttered. 

I actually held him off for 3 minutes until he got me in a hold that I couldn't get out of, forcing me to tap out once again. 

"You held out for longer than I expected." Alex said it quietly, almost to himself, but I heard. 

"I'm full of surprises." More than you even know, I thought in my head. He just stared at me unimpressed before walking away. I did a subtle little happy dance after he left. We had a normal conversation. Well somewhat normal, but I would take it as a start. 

Zander and I got back to our room after the rest of our classes finished and began getting ready for the party. I was beyond excited to see Davina and tell her all the stuff that's happened in the past two days. While Zander was out grabbing a snack from the vending machine, I quickly used concealer to hide my bruise. I made sure not to make it obvious that I had makeup on though. Once we were both ready, Zander and I left the room and searched for Alex. We spotted him and the other guys walking away from campus and began following them quietly. They walked down a trail for about half a mile until the path cleared and led to a neighborhood. From the trees, Zander and I watched them enter a beige house and eventually made our way to it. As we entered, I immediately saw Davina with two of my other girl friends. I gave them all hugs before pulling her aside with Zander. 

"You won't believe the shit I'm about to tell you." 

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