Chapter 19

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"Do you think you're ready for the skills test Ev?" Zander asked. 

 "Oh yeah! Me and Alex have been practicing for weeks. I'm passing for sure," I smiled confidently and nodded to myself. Today was finally the day. I was beyond excited to finally get the test over so I could graduate and become a girl again. 

As we walked to the cafeteria, I felt comfort talking to Zander. We were so close now that I basically considered him the brother I never had. Ironically, he probably felt the same way about me. 

The only people that knew about me now were Reese, Grayson and of course Alex. 

As we approached our table, I made eye contact with him and my heart fluttered. He no longer looked at me as one of the bros, but he didn't give anything away when we were in public. I was thankful for that. For the past two weeks we had been dating and it was honestly the most hard thing keeping such a big secret from the guys. I took a seat next to him and he subtly placed his hand on my thigh while keeping eye contact. I don't think it would be possible to ever get used to this. To him. He was just... perfect. 

"Hey everyone!" I chirped. 

"Someones in a good mood this morning. Did you get laid last night?" I gasped at August's blunt comment and I swear my face was probably as red as a tomato. I could feel Alex chuckling next to me and shot him a glare. 

"No, unfortunately...the person was so ugly that I just couldn't get it up." I smirked knowingly and looked at Alex again. To make it even better, I placed my own hand on his thigh, just high enough to bug him. He growled quietly and gently moved my hand. I could hear August laughing at my reply in the background, but my attention was on Alex. 

He moved closer and discreetly whispered in my ear, "Don't test me Evelyn. Once I'm hard, there's no going back." My eyes widened and he smirked seductively at me. 

I rolled my eyes and looked around the table at the rest of the guys. They all seemed too fascinated in their own conversations to care what Alex and I were whispering about. Well... everyone but Reese and Grayson. They were looking at each other knowingly and put their hands together to make hearts at Alex and I. 

Once we were all done eating, we made our way to the obstacle course outside to start getting ready. I knew I was more than prepared for this test, but I couldn't help but get nervous. 

"You'll be fine Ev. You've gone through the course like 50 times by now." Alex nudged my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. "Actually..." his voice lowered to a whisper, "now I realize why we practiced so fucking much. You wanted to see me shirtless!" I blushed but tried to hide it. 

"Of course not! I just wanted you to achieve your goal of winning first place." 

"Yeah whatever you say," he said with a smirk. 

I was about to reply with a good comeback when Coach Matt began talking. "Alright boys. I hope you're all prepared for this skills test, because you need it to graduate. You all know the rules so we'll skip the boring part and get the fun started. Get on the line!" 

We all lined up at the starting mark as Coach Jesse took one of the guns out that people use at track meets. I took one last breath and blocked everything else out, especially Alex. "This is for you dad," I whispered to myself. 

"On your marks, get set, GO!" 

I started quickly just like in all of my practices so that I wouldn't get stuck in the crowd. Alex was long gone and was in first just like I had hoped, while I was in the middle of the group. As we entered the mud pit with barbed wire, I quickly crawled through and kept it moving. Some guys got stuck, but I didn't have time to help them sadly. 

Next I sprinted to the monkey bars that had a crazy drop underneath. Every time you fell, you would have to repeat them all over again. I swiftly made my way to the other side and in no time, I was swimming across a lake with plenty of people still behind me. I could see Zander and August in front of me slightly, and all of the other guys were too far ahead to even see. Overachievers. 

After about 10 more minutes of going through the tiring course, I finally reached the last obstacle. A climbing wall. 

For the rest of the guys, it was easy, because they had long arms and legs. It was a struggle for me though of course. However, Alex had helped me find the exact spot with rocks I could reach and I was over the wall in record time. Well my own personal record anyway.

I began sprinting to the finish line and was surprised to see that there were still 2 minutes left for people to finish. As I crossed the line I was greeted by the rest of the guys who gave me high fives and hugs. I was grateful for this because it helped me remain on my feet. If I had to run anymore I think I would actually just faint. Alex hugged me last and I saw a little medal around his neck. I smiled proudly and he just stared down at me before looking at my lips. 

"How much time was left when you finished." 

He shrugged, "like 8 minutes I think." 

My jaw dropped and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. How was that even possible? "Holy shit that's amazing!" I looked around us to make sure no one was looking. "You're amazing."

He smiled and looked down at my lips again. "God I want to kiss you so much right now," he whispered.

I smirked and stepped out of the hug that we were apparently still in. "That will have to wait lover boy." With that, I walked over to the rest of the group that were currently sitting on rocks in the corner. Alex came too and took a seat next to me as we joined in the conversation. 

As we all talked and laughed together like always, I smiled and realized how much I loved all of these boys. I never expected to get through a year as a boy, and I certainly did not expect to meet such amazing people. This was something I had no plans of giving up, even when I finally became 'Evelyn' again. They were my best friends now, just like Davina. I guess I just hoped they wouldn't be too mad when I finally told them the truth. I knew deep down though, that if Alex could forgive me, they could too. So I decided that while sitting here all together privately, I would finally let them see me. The real me. 

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