Chapter 17

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I woke up to the sound of quiet snores as the sun began making its way into the room. For a second, I forgot where I was, and who I was with. Opening my eyes, I stilled remembering the night before. Directly next to me, sound asleep, was a peaceful Alex. His hair was disheveled and somehow he had become shirtless. We were so close, almost cuddling. His hand was rested on my side and mine where pressed against his chest. How did we end up like this?

I watched for a while as he slept. I stared at his lips and his sharp jawline. He was too hot for his own good. 

Suddenly with a sigh, his eyes opened and I pretended to be back asleep. Honestly, I was curious to see how he would react to our closeness. I could feel him moving slightly next to me, but surprisingly he didn't pull his hand away. 

"Ev, you awake?" His voice sounded groggily and tired, but was the most attractive thing I had ever heard. It was deep and raspy from just waking up. 

"Mhm," was all I said. 

He chuckled slightly, "how did we end up like this?" 

I shrugged my shoulders, "honestly, I don't know." I smiled and opened my eyes again. His green ones were staring down at me. 

As Alex stared at me, the smile left his face, "I have something to tell you. You can't tell the other guys though, they just won't understand." 

"How was your mom after your dad died?" He asked with a frown on his face. That's not what I was expecting. 

"Well, she was heartbroken. She stayed home for three months and I had to get a job to support us. She didn't let us use my dad's money because I would need it for college. Now she's fine though. She hasn't gone on any dates that I know of, but she has a job and she seems happy again. Happy enough anyway." As I answered, he listened intently before sighing. 

"My dad was heartbroken too. But he wasn't just sad, he was mad. He still is." Alex's voice got increasingly more quiet as he spoke. "The day when we were in the city, when I got the phone call, it was him. He was drunk, like always, and screaming at me about how it was my fault she got killed. I don't know why, but he blames me. Maybe he just doesn't want to admit that maybe it really was her fault. I've come to terms with it, but I think it eats him alive. Ev, do you promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?" I just nodded, silently urging him to continue.

"He-he's abused me. It's why I rarely go home anymore. I just stay at our other mansion by myself or pick a different friends house to sleep over every night. I don't even know him anymore." A tear left Alex's eye and I wiped it from his cheek.

"Alex, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to go through this, it's not your fault. If you ever need a place to stay, my house is open, and I don't just mean for one night." He gave me a small smile out of gratitude and pulled me into a hug. 

"Thank you, really. I'm so happy to have a friend like you." 

I smiled genuinely, "and i'm happy to be your friend." 

"So, do you think I won the fight last night? Cause I think the whole 'you should look at the other guy' will be true after what Grayson did." I smirked proudly to make light of the situation that brought us here together. 

Just as I hoped, Alex laughed and shook his head, moving past his dad and the bad memories. "Well yeah, considering the fact you didn't die, I'd say you handled yourself pretty well." Seeing him smile, made me smile. Like always. 

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