Chapter 11

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Five days have passed and now my period is finally gone. I opened my eyes slowly after sleeping in late and picked up my phone. It was 10 AM and today was one of the very few designated days that the school gave us to formally leave and go out on our own. I shook Zander to wake him up and he groaned at me, pushing me away. 

"Whaaat?" He opened one eye but squinted when he saw how bright it was in the room. 

"Do you want to hang out with Davina and I today? We're going shopping in the city." 

He thought it over before replying, "I'm sorry, I want to but I'm hanging out with the girl I caught up at the party. Her brother is coming to pick me up soon and we used to best friends but I haven't seen him in forever." He gave me a sorry look. Was there something going on with that girl and him?

"Okay no problem. Have fun!" I left the room and walked to the showers. I quickly got dressed and then met Davina at the front entrance. 

I greeted her with a smile the way I always did, "hey bitch." 

"What's up hoe." We hugged and I made eye contact with a group of guys who watched our hellos. I just shrugged it off not even knowing how to explain myself. It probably looked weird since I was a guy but honestly I give two fucks right now. 

As we were beginning to walk out I heard a voice behind me shout 'Ev' behind me. I turned to see Alex and the guys walking towards us, Reese was obviously checking Davina out. 

"Oh hey guys," I said with a smile. Davina looked at me with a knowing smirk. I had told her everything through text so she was all caught up on my present predicament. 

"Where are you two going today?"

I answered, "to the city." I would invite them but then I would lose my chance to just be a girl for the day. I was actually planning on changing and putting on some makeup in the car. 

"Oh sounds cool. We're gonna come too." Wait what. 

I didn't know how to say no nicely, "um well..." Davina then interrupted me, "Sounds good!" I brought the truck so just hop in. She was evil and knew exactly what I was thinking because she looked at me and rubbed her hands together with an evil smile as soon as the boys looked away.

We walked to the car and Alex asked a question I was not expecting. 

"Why isn't your girlfriend here Ev?" Shit I forgot to explain this part to Davina. How could I possibly forget? 

"Well she had a modeling gig and couldn't get off today." I gave Davina the 'I will tell you later look' and hopped in the truck. 

"Evan, pull up a pic of this girl." Reese was the one that said it but August, Grayson and Daniel also looked curious. This white lie was getting pulled out of proportion. I picked three new pictures from my past and showed the boys. 

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I was really hoping the boys were all good looks and no brains because there was no way I looked that different than in these pictures

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I was really hoping the boys were all good looks and no brains because there was no way I looked that different than in these pictures. 

"DAMN! Dude shes's hot." Well I guess they were all stupid. I smirked and took my phone back when they were finally done looking. When we stopped at a red light, Davina took a sip of her water and grabbed my phone to see the pictures. The second she saw the first one she spit out her water and started to laugh and choke at the same time. After getting the water out of her lungs and beginning to drive again, she continued to laugh to the point where tears were coming out of her frickin eyes. 

After calming down, all she said was, "this just keeps getting better." She shook her head and looked through her rear view mirror at the boys. 

"What do you think of Ev's girlfriend Alex?" She started to giggle as I glared at her.

"She beautiful. Evan here lucked out." He smiled and gave me a light punch on the shoulder. "Are you and her friends Davina? And what is her name again?"  

"Yeah we are, but I'm closer to Evan. She doesn't really care about me and him hanging out though because Evan's not really my type. And her name is Evelyn." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She liked to mess around but when I really needed her she was there for me. I gave her a thankful smile and she simply nodded.

"Oh makes sense. So what is your type then Davina, do you prefer assholes to fit your bitchy personality? Or do you like the really sweet sensitive guys? They do say opposites attract." He was teasing her but also edging her on. I laughed quietly knowing she would go off on him. 

"I like guys with big dicks. And no I'm not talking about personality so sadly, you don't count." My laugh just got louder and the rest of the guys in the back joined in. Even Alex laughed a little bit. 

"Don't make me whip it out." He sounded like he was kidding but I wasn't one hundred percent sure. 

Davina didn't even flinch, but a smirk reappeared on her lips so I know she had an idea. "If you whip it out you'd basically be admitting to your friends that they give you a boner. That would be sort of awkward." 

He  rolled it eyes, "nah I don't get boners from guys I'm good." 

"I beg to differ." She looked at me and her eyebrows went up, giving me a knowing look. She was implying that I would give him a boner but obviously only me and her knew that. 

"Never mind. We're here." She parked and hopped out, happy with her work. The boys hopped out, with confused looks.

"What are you guys waiting for, we have shopping to do!" I shouted back at the boys as Davina and I began exploring the city. 

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