Chapter 6

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This is where the house party takes place. 

"What the hell happened to you! You look like a raccoon," Davina said bluntly. 

"That's actually what I wanted to tell you.. There's this guy named Alex. He punched me."

She gave me a smirk and said, "well at least it's working." Then she looked at Zander and gave him a big smile, "It's nice to see you again hot stuff." She winked at him and he blushed like a fool. 

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too. You look beautiful tonight." He sounded nervous but what he said was so sweet. Davina was taken aback.

With a genuine smile she replied, "thank you." Then she snapped out of it and was back to her normal self. "Well I didn't come to this party to just talk, I came to get drunk. Let's get a move on." 

We entered the kitchen and got 3 cups from the keg before walking outside. People were jumping in the pool just for the hell of it, drunk people are crazy. I spotted Alex on the opposite side of the pool taking shots and nudged Davina. 

"That's him." I whispered it so that Zander wouldn't hear. 

Davina looked at him intensely before walking around the pool straight towards him. 

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as I followed her quickly. Davina could be the nicest person in the world, but when it came to her friends getting hurt, bitch mode came out. It would be fine if I was still a girl, but I definitely didn't need to make Alex hate me more than he already did. Plus I didn't want to make it seem like I needed a girl to fight my battles. 

"Hey dick. Do you see my friends face?" She pointed directly at me. 

My eyes went wide. Alex stared at me with a smirk before looking at my friend.

"Of course I did, cutie. I'm the one that di-" halfway through his sentence he got punched right where I had been. I was in shock. 

"My friend here is nice," Davina pointed at me again, "me, not so much. Mess with Evan again and I'll run you over with my fucking car jackass." 

I laughed. Alex gave me a look like he wanted to murder me in my sleep. Probably shouldn't have done that. Davina turned and grabbed my arm, ready to walk away. 

"Nice ass." That wasn't Alex. I turned to look at Davina and she actually looked proud, go figure. I'm guessing that the guy who said it was Reese because he had a huge smirk on his face. Davina looked him dead in the face. 

"Thanks I think so too. I would say nice dick, but I can't seem to find it." She just couldn't help herself. Once again she turned around and we walked away from the group. 

We reached Zander who had decided to watch from afar. 

"Nice punch." He seemed impressed. 

"Thanks. I know a thing or two," Davina proudly remarked. 

After that we decided to grab more drinks and finally get drunk. While Davina was getting another drink, I decided to take a walk. I got up off the couch I was on and wobbled around the house. The place was huge. While looking at the pictures on the wall, one caught my eye. It was a boy with his two front teeth missing, and a huge smile on his face. He looked so innocent and cute. 

"This hallway is off limits." I heard a voice behind me and turned. It was him, of course. 

"Oh hey, it's you just the person I wanted to see. You're tall. Like 7 foot 2 or something. Gosh." I always rambled when I was drunk. He gave me an unamused look. 

"Your friends a bitch." He was a jerk, but he was right. She was a bitch and I was proud to call her my best friend. 

I smiled admirably, "yep. We are like complete opposites. Hot and cold. Yes and No. One time when we were dress shopping she ripped this pink dress out of someone else's hand like in the Hannah Montana movie with the heels. Full on fight. I just sat there taking a video. That poor girl got her ass beat by Davina. That's her name by the way. Stop calling her a bitch. Hey, who's this cute kid, do you know?" I was just spitting out words. 

"You go dress shopping and watch Hannah Montana? Not to be rude, but are you gay?" He had completely ignored my question, how mean.

"No of course not, Davina makes me do those things, and even if I why would you care?" I rolled my eyes, it was true. The only reason I would ever watch that movie on my own would be to see Lucas Till. And as for dress shopping, I absolutely hated it. I could rock a dress though, not gonna lie. "Now answer my question."

He still looked suspicious but he walked closer to see the picture. "That's me." 

"No fucking way. That kid looks so innocent and nice. Ya know, happy. Not to be rude." I said the last sentence with air quotes. He didn't really seem fazed by what I had said. If anything, he agreed.

"That was before my mother died." He turned and began walking away. With his back still turned to me he shouted, "get the fuck out of this hallway before you puke. You're drunk as shit and if you mess anything up I will kill you." 

He didn't have to ask me twice. 

I reentered the party area to find Davina talking with 'nice ass' guy. Apparently his name really was Reese. He seemed cool and was actually being nice to Davina. I walked away to find Zander. I spotted him talking to a girl that I used to go to school with and decided it would be smart to avoid her. Only people from my friend groups knew about my plan. 

I grabbed another beer and took a seat near the pool, looking up at the stars. Grayson took a seat next to me, "Hey. You're Price's kid right." I turned to look at him. 

"Yeah, why?" 

"Oh no reason. My dad used to be friends with him that's all. I was at the funeral, I don't remember seeing you." He didn't seem to be implying anything. It was genuine curiosity. 

"I didn't go. I couldn't. I hate when bad things happen and people ask if I'm okay. It just makes me feel worse. I just went to the grave after everyone left." It was true. Going to that funeral was horrible for me. I almost wish I hadn't gone.

"Oh. That makes sense. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Your father was a cool guy, he taught me how to shoot a gun." Grayson smiled. Now he was the one looking at the stars as I stared at him. His jawline was as sharp as a knife. 

"Yeah, he was the coolest." I smiled a little bit too remembering when I too had been taught to use a gun. I missed him. At that moment, I remembered what Alex had said. 

"What happened to Alex's mom?"

"She died the same day as your father. I think it was her fault or something. Like twenty people died that day. But I cant tell you specifics, you would have to ask Alex yourself." 

"I never even thought about the other people, I was just too sad." I felt bad for Alex now. 

I stood up and said goodbye to Grayson before walking away. He was nice too. Zander was now alone so I walked up to him and suggested we walk back. I gave Davina a hug and made sure she had a safe ride before leaving. As we walked, I asked Zander about who the girl was, even though I already knew. 

"She's an old friend. I hadn't seen her for years." A small smile grew on his face, "tonight was fun. Thanks for making me come." 

"It's no problem." 

We eventually got back to the room, brushed our teeth and changed, and then finally hopped in bed for a well deserved night of rest. 

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