Chapter 18

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"Good job Ev! You finished with 20 seconds to spare!" 

I smiled at Alex who loved overwhelmingly good in just athletic shorts. 

"Not anywhere near as good as you. You finished with 2 minutes left." 

He shrugged it off and smiled. We were practicing for the skills test that was now two weeks away. I wasn't stressing, and honestly only practiced to spend time with Alex. He was so determined to finish first, and I would've bet on him winning three weeks ago, but I suggested that we keep coming to keep our bodies fit. In reality I just wanted to see the view as he whisked through the course with ease. 

"Alright let's go shower, and then I was just gonna chill in my room and watch some Netflix if you want to join," Alex offered. I nodded happily. This was something we did every Saturday. Wake up at 5, run through the course until 6, shower and eat breakfast at 7, and then chill the rest of the day. Falling asleep next to Alex had become something I had gotten used to since that night in the nurses office two months ago. Its not like we cuddled or anything, I just always fell asleep while watching Netflix with him. He didn't mind though, and sometimes he would even put me under the covers so that I would be more comfortable.

I decided I would just tell Alex about who I really was after we graduated. That way I wouldn't have plenty of time without distractions to make it up to him. 

Once we were both done showering (and I always took longer), we walked to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of the guys. 

"Hey guys," Alex said as he sat down at the table. Zander had started sitting here too after I got him and Alex to really talk and bro hug it out. Sometimes I would even catch them talking to each other alone and laughing. We talked about girls as we ate, as usual, and I pretty much just sat there feeling awkward. Reese had been dating Davina ever since the party, and he always talked about her in a sweet way even to his friends. The boys always made gagging noises and pretended to rip out their hair, but I sat there with my head in my elbows and a dazed smile on my face as he talked about my best friend. I shipped them so hard. 

After breakfast, the rest of the guys decided to go to the gym and work out, but Alex and I decided to pass since we technically already did earlier. As we walked to Alex's rooms, I looked up at him and admired his features. 

"Checking me out again Ev?" He smirked as he unlocked the door. 

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "as if." 

I kicked off my shoes and hopped on his bed, turning on the TV. 

"Hmm, what should we watch today?" Alex asked. 

"One Tree Hill." I nodded and looked at him with my eyebrows up giving him my infamous 'duh' look. 

"We watch that every time, and its not even a guy show," he complained with a groan. Yet he still pressed play. I think he liked it, but didn't want to admit it. 

He took out his phone to send his streaks on snap chat and when he did, I saw something that made my heart rip out of my chest. This random girl sent him a shirtless picture. Technically I shouldn't be mad because as Evelyn I had broken things off. It was just too risky having him text 'her' while I was sitting right next to him. Plus he started asking to face-time and call me, and I couldn't bring myself to tell him why I couldn't. He was extremely sad at first but I helped him get over it by being a really good friend. Apparently he was over me already. 

"Who the hell was that? I spat at him. I know this was my fault, but I couldn't keep myself from getting mad. 

His eyes widened and he gave me a sly smile, "this hot chick Clara. She's just one of my fuck buddies." He shrugged it off like it was no big deal. 

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