Chapter 13

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Hey guys sorry it's taken so long to update, but here's a really long new chapter for you all. I picked Dylan O'Brien as Jack, who will show up later in this chapter. He's basically the love of my life haha. Enjoy!!

"I'm so hungry, I feel like I might die." August said with a groan. We had been shopping for over 3 hours and Davina now had enough clothes to fill up a second walk in closet. 

"Me too. Where should we eat?" I asked. 

"There's a  Chipotle right across the street. I say we go there." Reese suggested, looking at Davina with an eyebrow raised. There must have been something going on there because he was the only one not getting angry at Davina's wild shopping habits. In fact, he helped her. 

"No I really want pizza. I'll just meet you guys later," Alex said so quickly that no one even had the chance to argue. Then as quickly as he spoke, he began walking away. 

"Umm. I'll go with him. We'll call when were done." I turned and ran to catch up with him as he began crossing the street. He seemed so distracted and there was a slight crease on his forehead to show that he was deep in thought. I gave him a slight poke and a worried look, silently asking if he was okay. 

He sighed, "I'll explain when we get pizza." 

We used google maps and found a nice little pizza place about 10 blocks away. We barely talked and I could tell that something important was on his mind. Along the way we passed a few pizza places, but once we arrived I was happy to say that we picked the nicest one. Since it was more of a restaurant style, we got seated by a waitress. I continued to stare at him as he sat with his eyes closed and his head between his hands. 

He opened them before I had the chance to look away and caught me staring. He gave me a smirk, "do you like the view?" My eyes widened and I began to blush. I certainly did not expect him to say that. His laugh filled the room making everyone stare. 

After toning down his insanely loud laughter he replied, "dude chill, I'm obviously kidding." He rolled his eyes and smiled at me quickly before frowning again. 

"What's on your mind?" 

He sighed and looked up to meet my eyes. "My mom." He paused for a few seconds and we just stared at each other before he continued, "Their cemetery is only a few blocks away from here, you know. I wasn't planning on getting pizza. I was going to buy some flowers and visit her." 

Our parents were buried in the same place in a memorial cemetery. I never really thought about it but apparently he had. 

"How often do you visit," I asked quietly. 

"As often as I can. I would do anything to really speak to her again. You?" 

"Only once. Is that bad? It's ju-just so hard look at the grave and think that it's my dad now." My eyes started getting teary. 

"I get it Ev. We don't have to go if you're not up for it." He gave me a reassuring smile but the disappointment in his eyes was evident. 

"No. I think it's time. Let's do it." We paid for our food and walked into a cute little flower shop near the cemetery. I bought  a bouquet of white daisies and approached Alex, who unlike me was having a very difficult time choosing.  

"What made you choose those ones?" He asked, pointing at the daisies in my hand. 

"My dad used to buy me these every year on my birthday. He would add a flower to the bouquet every year to symbolize me getting one year older. He used to say that at my wedding, my bouquet would have a hundred white daisies." I smiled telling Alex about my love for the flower but frowned as soon as I realized what I had said. "I mean my wife would have the bouquet of course." 

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