Chapter 20

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I took a deep breath and looked at the boys around me. They had all become like best friends to me in the past few months. 

"Guys, I have something to tell you all." I gave Alex a nervous look and he grabbed my hand while giving it a squeeze. Reese and Grayson smirked but August and Zander looked at each other with confusion. 

"Um what's going on here? Are you two gay because I would've never guessed," Zander said with a frown. 

I let out a lighthearted laugh and spoke in my real voice, "No we're not, but we are dating." The confusion on their face grew and I took a deep breath before continuing. "My name is actually Evelyn. I'm a girl." I pursed my lips and waited for their response. 

Their jaws dropped, "no fucking way. Holy shit I had no clue! You're a great actor...well actress apparently." Zander laughed and scratched his head as he processed what I just told him. 

"So... did you guys start dating before or after he knew you were a girl?" This time it was August who spoke, saying something completely ridiculous of course. 

"Obviously after you dimwit." Alex pitched in with a laugh as he shook his head. 

"Hey it's a fair question Alex," August said with a laugh of his own. 

"So you guys aren't mad?" I looked between them for reassurance. 

"No of course not. Surprised for sure but not mad," Zander replied with a smile. I mirrored his action and immediately felt free from my secret. None of them were mad, and everything worked itself out. 


2 days later

"Evan Price" 

I heard my 'name' and proudly made my way to the podium. I shook the Head Mistress Kora's hand and she whispered to me discreetly, "well done Evelyn. Your father would be proud." I was completely taken aback but mouthed a quick thank you along with a genuine smile. How long had she known? Maybe she knew from the second I walked in her office the first day...

I held my diploma in my hand and walked back to my position down below the stage. I could see Alex from far away, and wished we could stand next to each other. Too bad we didn't have similar last names. 

I looked down at the diploma in my hands and thought about the future in front of me. I would be going to Yale alongside all of the other guys in the group. In fact Davina would be attending there too. I guess that's the nice thing about having all smart friends. 

Eventually all the names were called and everyone had found there way back to their seats. 

Kora spoke into the microphone and smiled proudly down at all of us. "Congratulations class of 2018, you have graduated. You may remove your caps!" All of a sudden caps were in the air and the sound of clapping and cheering filled the air. Alex swerved through the crowd to me and pulled me in for a quick hug. We thought it would be best not to let anyone outside of the group know about me being a boy yet so that I wouldn't risk losing my diploma. 

Soon all of the boys were around us and we all huddled into a group hug. I laughed out of happiness as I looked up at all the boys surrounding me. They made me feel so small, even though I was average height for a girl.

As soon as we were done hugging I heard a voice behind me that made my current smile even wider. 

"Hey bitch," Davina said with a smile.

"Hey hoe," I replied back. 

All the guys gave us a weird look but we could care less. I looked around at the friends I had formed here, and Davina of course. This summer, and college would be so much fun. And I think the best part is... I would finally get to enjoy it all as a girl.

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