Chapter 12

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Our group entered Urban Outfitters first because it was one of Davina and I's favorite stores. Expensive but totally worth every penny. 

The boys began walking to the opposite side of the store towards the men's section and urged me to come along. 

"Nope he's staying with me boys. I need help picking out a few things." She gave them a grin and pulled me towards the dresses. 

After making sure the boys were really gone, I ran my fingers along a dress that caught my eye. "Oh my gosh. Davina I need this! We're still going to that party next week right?" Supposedly Davina had a friend that lived over an hour away that was throwing a banger. The plan was that I would get all dressed up as a girl and put on a wig just in case. I was so excited to just be Evelyn again. 

"Of course! And that dress is perfect. How much?" I checked the tag. Luckily it was on sale for $40. 

"It's 40 dollars not to bad. Here carry it for me please." I handed it to her and she looked at it before shaking her head. 

"I really think you should try it on. C'mon it'll be quick." She took my arm and practically dragged me to the changing room. I could see the boys on the other side of the store being clowns and trying on the big furry jackets and glasses. I shook my head and giggled quietly. Who knew the school bullies were all such big sweet goofballs. 

"We really have to be quick. I can't get caught." I was starting to rethink the whole thing but Davina just pushed me in the dressing room and closed the door, shutting me up in the process. 

I tried on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Even with my boyish hair and no makeup, the dress instantly made me look more girly. I loved it. I spun around and checked myself out in the mirror. I looked great if I do say so myself. 

                                                                          (Picture this as the dress)

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                                                                          (Picture this as the dress)

I continued to swirl around in the dress until I heard a knock on the door. 

Davina whispered, "we have a problem. The boys are coming any second, get changed quick." 

She didn't have to tell me twice. I was out of there in record time, just as the boys made their way to us. 

"Who's dress is that?" Alex asked with an eyebrow up as he scanned the dress in my hands. 

"It's for Evelyn. I think it'll look great on her don't ya think." Alex just nodded so I smiled brightly and walked toward the cash register. That was a close one. Davina joined me with a handful of clothes she had scooped up from throughout the store. Well over 300 dollars worth of clothes might I add. 

I ask sarcastically, "got enough there?" She laughs and rolls her eyes.

"What can I say, clothes make me happy." She smiles to herself.

After Davina and I purchased our clothes, we made our way to the next store on our list, Pacsun. While walking into the store I get a tug on my shirt and look behind me. Grayson was behind me with the intent of saying something. 

I ask politely, "what's up?" 

"Can we talk? Like alone?" He says it extremely quiet to the point where I almost couldn't hear. I give him a confused look but accept his request.

"We're gonna go look at the t-shirts guys we'll be right back." We left the rest of the group that at the moment was helping Davina pick jeans. I heard them telling her which ones would make her ass look best. The girl was practically fishing for compliments and they were falling right into her little trap. 

"I know." 

I focused my attention back on Grayson. He know's what? Where was this going? My hands started getting clammy and I began to get nervous.

"You know what?" My voice sounded shaky but I tried to remain as calm as possible. 

"I was at the funeral for your father remember? I clearly remember seeing Evelyn there because your mom and my dad spoke at one point. I doubt you remember because you were probably too focused on just getting through the day, but we were actually introduced to each other. And for some reason I remembered hearing that you were his only child so I called up my dad asking about, you, well Evan, and he said he had no clue who that was." Oh god. He really knew. I just looked into space, preparing myself for the worst but instead he surprised me. 

"I'm not gonna tell anyone. You know that right? I loved your dad and what you're doing is really cool. And not to mention brave as hell. You may be a girl but you got some balls." He gave me a light shove on the shoulder and a huge smile. Maybe I could trust him. I guess it would be nice to have someone to talk to that actually knew who I was for once. 

"Yeah it hasn't been to bad so far. Ya know except for getting punched in the face and bit by a shark." It was a joke but as I laughed I also cringed. 

"I think the funniest part is the fact that you're your own girlfriend. Alex seems to have his eyes on your girl you know. You should probably keep an eye on him." Grayson bursted out laughing and when my eyes widened his laugh deepened. 

After recomposing himself, he went on, "in all seriousness though, you should tell Alex. You guys are close and you should know by now that you can trust him." 

"Can I trust you?" I asked him with hopeful eyes. 

"Of course you can." 

"Okay good." I look him in the eyes and turn around to see the guys still helping Davina shop. Except Alex is missing from the group. I look around the store until I see him outside on his phone in what looked like a very heated conversation. I wonder what it was about and I was hoping he was okay. I wanted nothing more than to go up to him and hug him, but this could not happen. 

I sighed and turned my attention back to Grayson. "You see, I have a problem. I can trust Alex. Hell, I would trust the boy with my life. But the problem is that, well, I can't trust myself." I look down and continue, "I like him Grayson, and I can't have a relationship at an all boys school. It's too risky. I want to tell him, but it will just make things worse. And not telling him is just as bad. I'm falling for him and he thinks I'm just one of the guys. It's like the worst case of friend-zoning I've ever seen." 

He gives me a sympathetic smile and nods understandingly. "Everything will work its self out Ev. I'm sure of it." He gives me a real hug, not one of those bro hugs I see all around school. 

"Thanks Grayson." I look up and give him a genuine smile. 


I really hoped he was right, but I had the feeling that there would be some real challenges in the near future. 

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