Guide and Clues

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JMJ's Operation Sunshine and Rainbow D-day


About "JMJ" 

JMJ = means Jeongyeon-Mina-Jihyo

In Chapter 3, I have already expressed the connection of Mina and Jihyo during this part.

"Then why not Mina? At least my Munchy is safe with her."

"Yah Moguri! What do you think of me?!!" Sana can't hold her boil anymore, ready to drop the blast.

"Geez! Shut Up KIDS! Mina has her own special task and she's the only one capable of doing it."

"And what is that special task huh?!" A sound like premeditated, but it was somewhat a duet between Tzuyu and Momo demanding a clear response from their Student Council President.

"It's a secret for now. I don't want to expose a teaser."

Jihyo puzzled her troupe with those terminologies, while sending a roguish smile which Mina willingly accepted. The clueless others were glancing back and forth to the two hoping to receive some hint like trying to hack some information over the network link. Unfortunately the signal is encrypted and they don't have the encryption key.

Then in Chapter 9, I dropped the connection of Mina and Jeongyeon, I even put this:

MM, did she take her medicine? Jihyo is worried. And did you find her HC too?

To remind you guys that Jihyo is part of their plan, in case you missed the Chapter 3 clue.

And MM obviously stands for Myoui Mina, since in chapter 9, there's only one person who gives medicine to someone.

Chaeyoung parted her lips to receive the offered capsule. Mina gently pushed the tablet inside her mouth and escorted it with water. She's too prepared, don't you think?

It can't be Jeongyeon, if you're regarding the Chapter 8.2 when she's taking care of the sick Nayeon. Jeongyeon is the one who texted that line, remember?

And why is Mina too prepared? Surely Jihyo told her based on this statement.

The shorter one could have fainted right now if the Japanese beauty wasn't there to fiddle her consciousness. This is the main reason why Chaeyoung is not allowed to meander alone. If she insists, she needs to welcome the scolding of any of these three, Jihyo, Somi and Nayeon. They're the only people who knew her condition. And now the ballerina is added to the list. She just assumed that Nayeon told her Goddess Freak about her illness. 

About "Operation Sunshine and Rainbow"

Sunshine and Rainbow are code names, but who are they?

Look back at Chapter 2, the clues are there. I linked these code names to two people. Good luck on finding them :D

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