Chapter 11.4: "Rainbow in Underpass"

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This is it Jeong!

...My father is the head of a top-secret research organization, protected by international governments. They are conducting studies to help military operations all over the world. His department focuses on human behavior and mind functions. Based on stats, the most common cause of mission failures in any military ops are emotions. Human tends to value what is more righteous on our frail heart than what has to be done. There was a case before where an agent working on his case for ten years, marries his subject for the purpose to gather more information. In the process, he falls in love with his subject, so when he is supposed to kill his wife, he didn't and it caused the death of thousand lives. Seeing the result of his failure, he committed suicide. My father believes that if that agent underwent to a procedure where he can lose his memory of someone who is so dear to his heart. He probably succeeded his mission. Using the agent's failure as an example, my father got the approval of higher-ups and began his research to re-develop a process in Post-Hypnotic Amnesia for five years which is applicable to all kinds of people. After years of trial and errors, they finally succeed except for one thing. They can't do it to someone who has an antithesis personality. It's been three years since my father collected people with that personality, a test subject, of course in exchange of huge amounts or anything. That's why I hated the day when I introduce Chaeyoung to my father. I didn't know he's been offering my dongsaeng of anything to lure her taking the test. She keeps rejecting the offer not until..."

"Not until... she needs the information of my parents." Mina extends the statement with her eyes shuts.

Is closing your eyes meant to subside a twinge or to accept torment, because right now the Black Swan can't request her tears to stop from flowing?

Recalling an event caused her jaded heart to shatter in bits that could make a microscope hopeless.

" then I'll make sure to have the name of your parents and the answer to your question. Is that okay with you?"

"A psychology doctor sent us an email containing the information where to find you. Saying also, not to waste the sacrifice of a person who could do anything for you."

Each portion of her pulverized heart is scattered on the grounds ready to cling the dust dispels by the heartless wind. The ballerina is unsure if her heart still beating inside her chest or it's just an illusion to swindle the cleverness of her emotion. Great pain is sucking all her senses up to her very soul. Her mind is paralyzed of 'what ifs' and her tongue is tied with wishes.

What if Chaeyoung didn't meet me? What if I didn't entertain her smile?

How I wish I can turn back the time? How I wish destiny is fair to begin with?

But Mina knew that ever since, fate has been deaf of her complains.

Bloody Valentine's April Fool [MiChaeng] (BVAF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora