Chapter 19.1: "Next: Tears for the Tear"

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I'm back! Happy MiChaeng Day my fellow shippers. Sorry for the long hiatus, I'm currently busy with my studies so I can only write the next chapter when I'm free. I hope my fellow shippers, fellow authors, and fellow readers who have been with me since the creation of this fanfic in 2016 are still here. I'm revising too each chapter of this fanfic to fix my horrible grammar hahaha! I finished revising Chapter 1-4, don't worry, I didn't change the plot and hints, only the grammar. To all the new readers, welcome to this maze. xD  



Tears, she woke up in the middle of her slumber with those glistening liquids rolling down in her beautiful face.

Why am I crying again?

She asked the mirror, observing every detail of the gloomy reflection in front of her. The swollen eyelids surrounding her deep rosy brown orbs, the crimson tint attached to her nose and the lips without its usual shy smile is a picture of a girl in misery. A reflection she's certain was not hers because this girl in front of her is a person whose heart has fine lining of wreckage and a soul with a missing piece. A piece she's not aware of.

Who are you? There's no way you are me. I am well and contented with my life, but you are the opposite of who I am. I have no reason to be saddened in this life. No one had broken my heart, so why do I have to bear your pain, each time this day comes? Why do I feel like dying as if I lost someone so important to me?

The girl knows that she looks like a fool asking those questions to her own reflection, but she hated the fact that despite of her numerous effort to find the answer, nothing has been resolved. She had sought the help of doctors from different fields to determine the solution of her problem, unfortunately they only provided her with diverse assumptions. No one had cured her. She cannot fathom that every time this particular day comes, her heart shattered into pieces, grief always dwells in, and that she ended up crying nonstop for the whole day unless she saw that thing in the sky, the thing that only appears after the rain. And she's always thankful each time it comes into sight. Her heart suddenly felt delighted and assured, like it was some symbol of 'hope' to her. Like that thing exist to pacify her forlorn feelings during that specific day.

Why that colorful thing carved in the sky made her tears stopped from pouring and made her cheerful? She doesn't know, it became another puzzle she has to solve.

She still remembers that it all started after she visited that museum way back when she was a senior in high school during their field trip in the neighboring country. It was not part of their itinerary, but one of her classmate-friend insisted to go there since it was next to the museum they were visiting. The museum was filled with mementos of important events that happened in that certain City. Out of the many memorial events, she was dragged by her feet in one specific area. She doesn't understand why her gut feeling brought her there, but she followed along. The area was an exhibit of pictures and objects of a tragic event that happened decades ago. Many people died in that incident.

'So many dreams were broken on that special day. Never forget how tragic it became of a belief that gone wrong.'

Her heart sank reading that big inscription in the center. Tears slowly drafted in her cheeks, knowing how painful it was for the families to lose someone unexpectedly, but what she did not know, the next inscription will ransack her already melancholic feeling. It was labeled to a music object, a thing that seems familiar to her somewhere in her dream.

'This **** was attached to a couple that day after the incident. With hands held, they were listening to their favorite song. Sadly, one of them took her last breath.'

For some reason, the scenario described there was really similar to a dream she often have since she was young. In that dream, she found herself lying on the bloody floor. Her eyes were filled with tears as she stares at the girl beside her, their hands are entangled with each other and the music object was attached to their ears. The girl was telling her something, but those words always ended up vague the minute she wakes up. Even the face of the girl, she can't remember it. She thought that dream was just a scene created by her unconscious mind from a movie she saw somewhere, but at that time, she knew there was something more to it.

With an unbearable pain in her head and chest, she collapsed on the floor. Next thing she knew, she found herself lying on her own bed. Her parents told her that she was asleep for two days. And that was when her strange mourning had begun. Every time that particular day of the second month of the year comes, she keeps crying without a logical reason.

"It would have been better if you are crying because some jerk dumped you. In that way it will be easy for me to crush his existence in this world." A man in his early forties suddenly spoke behind her. His voice and sharp statement were enough for the beautiful teen to identify the intruder of her dismal state. It was none other than her protective father.

"Yeah, that would have been better. Unfortunately, it wasn't the case, Dad." She uttered, welcoming him with a sincere smile only to end it with a bluer visage.

"Things happened when it's needed to happen, my Princess..." There he goes again with his favorite quote. She often heard it since she was young and she knows exactly who created that line.

It was....

to continue....  

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