Chapter 18: "Choose Me Not"

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I have a new fanfic here entitled ''Virginity for Sale". Beware it's a smut and dark genre kekeke...


Dahyun thought our first meeting was way back on her freshman year in School when I intentionally kissed her in front of the whole crowd in the auditorium and said it was just a dare, but the truth, I was extremely jealous of those girls who flirted with her, so to show those bitches that she's mine alone, I did it and it worked. We became a couple after a few days. But our real first meeting and the main reason why I called her my Butterscotch Girl was because of that day ten years ago...


Japan, ten years ago...

***bwakkk*** (sound of throwing up)

There's one golden rule I imposed myself to follow all the way through, which is, 'Food is life and it should never get wasted', unfortunately, I cannot pursue it tonight in this lavatory. My super supportive friends put me in this disorder when they ask me to ride the roller coaster with them. Partially, it's my fault I should have told them about my fear of heights, instead of consuming a false bravery.

Too late to regret of course, my knees are wobbly, my breath stinks, my hair is a mess, and I feel like the whole world is circling non stop at full speed producing cold sweats all over me. And you know what's worse? None of my friends know the situation I am with, right now. The minute my feet landed on the ground, I excused myself to the comfort room, telling a lie to pee. I rushed to the cubicle and it seems all the food in my intestines are gone, my food... my precious food are now enjoying the water of the toilet bowl.

After battling with my stomach for seconds or probably minutes that I couldn't even remember how long, I finally left the comfort room to savor the calmness of the cold air outside. My friends are such jerks, they didn't even dare to check if I'm still alive or nah! Good friends, who?

I sat in a nearby cemented chair, hoping the cold humid it provides will compose my senses. Unfortunately, its arctic effect attacked my heart instead. I look around, this amusement park is a bit full, teenagers here and there, kids with their parents enjoying the fun rides with toys and stuffs, and some are alone, might be wanting to check if happiness is still available for their lonely heart...

or maybe it was exactly like mine....

my heart is burdened with solitude since the day I was born...

I have friends...

and family...


Bloody Valentine's April Fool [MiChaeng] (BVAF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant