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Out of all the things I hate in the world, physical education is at the top of the list. The curse of running up and down a field chasing after a ball tore the breath out of my lungs, enough to the point I would collapse on the grass and have to go to the nurse. Six- no, seven times. If I count the non-gym related incidents, I think I'm a regular in her office now. But if I wanted to pass the grade, I needed to take the risk.

I pulled on my gym shorts and tried to fix my hair before the wind ruined the straightness of it, but then remembered it wouldn't matter in the end. I decided to keep my jumper on over top of my shirt so I wouldn't freeze to death. Internally I knew everybody else would only have on a shirt and shorts, and I would be the outcast in a pale blue jumper. Visions of judgmental faces swarmed my thoughts, although I could still somewhat function. Despite the shaking body and gradually heating cheeks.

But as soon as I turned on my foot to get outside, I ran right into my worst nightmare.


His wide figure filled my vision in the worst way possible. A heavy stone of worry dropped into my stomach. The twisted grin plastered on his face, curling up to one side, made me back up a few steps and trip over the short bench, colliding with the lockers behind me. The boys leered down at me evilly. I could tell they were insulting my clumsiness inside.

"Well, it's little Daniel," He snickered, "read another dictionary lately, smart boy?"

Barely able to catch my breath, I uttered, "Sh-shut up, T-Tom."

He snorted and turned around to face the boys behind him. "Which one of you said he could talk back?" He jeered. The boys snickered at Tom's sarcastic comment. This was my chance to sneak away, let none of the red and black flood my vision. I stepped to the left, then anxiously glanced back at Tom, who was still cracking jokes about me. I was safe, as long as I moved quickly. Another step, then another, just one more-

A sharp yank on the back of my jumper spelled trouble in bold. It caught my neck and caused my head to fly to my chest and my body to be forced to his. When I could look up, the red hot anger in his eyes burned through me like laser beams. A heavy foot landed on top of mine, nearly crushing it. I winced in pain. This would not end well.

"Did I tell you that you could leave?" He growled, teeth gritted. Tom pulled further on my collar and let go, forcing the seams to split and me inside the jumper to fall to the ground. The back of my head crashed into the hard floor, causing waves of pain to shoot through me. Spots dotted my vision, and I nearly vomited. 

The other boys surrounding Tom were no help. All they did was provide a demonic laugher that rang in my ears. I covered them with my quivering hands. It didn't provide much help.

Hard kicks flew into my back, making my eyes force shut. Tears escaped, highlighting my vulnerability. Every contact of foot and body hurt. One landed right high up on my back, catching all my air and pulling it away, leaving a burning inside my lungs. I knew the bruises would heal, but the words wouldn't. They left painful scars on the front of my mind, haunting me like ghosts. Every little statement hung around and made me sink lower with dread as I progress through a scary, breathless, roller coaster life.

I continued to curl up into a tighter and tighter ball, wheezing painfully.

"Stop!" I meekly called out, but it was drowned by their twisted chorus of laughter. 

They didn't know how much I meant it. 

They didn't know I was fighting against more than just them.

No one knew how every little thing made me go insane.


Just stop. 




A sharp kick to the face, and I could feel the rush of agonizing pain as my nose cracked and began to bleed.

Another head shot, and I was left on the locker room floor to go out cold with three words ringing in my mind.

You're so weak.


The next chapter won't be this high-action. But it's just as important...


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