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Every second since the day at the park seemed to overflow with something I hadn't felt in a long time. True happiness. My mind was finally as clear as it would get. Every moment was filled with the thought of Phil. Where he was, what he looked like, how he was feeling. I could always think of new words to define him with. Handsome. Lanky. Secretive. Portrait-worthy. Photogenic. Artogenic. Beautiphil. 

The times when I was by his side were the best. All my troubles melted away, and I was left with happiness. I still worried though. How he really felt, was he still cutting, when we could see each other next. 

But a bigger fear loomed over me. I couldn't be seen with him without being called gay. My family had no clue of how much I loved Phil. We had been hanging out secretly at the park on nice days, and went to his house when the park was closed. A good number of hidden kisses had been scattered through the days. Nobody knew about our secret.

To put it simply, I didn't know how the f*ck should I come out.

Every moment was haunted by this ghost on my shoulders, and I desperately needed to break free of it. So one afternoon, sprawled out on Phil's bed by his side, I asked him, "So, um, have you told your parents that you're gay?" 

He nodded. "Yeah, th-then they... they pur-p-ous-ly got longer sh-shifts at work to... to stay away from me."

"Oh sh**." I said a bit too loudly. "That's what happens?!"

"N-not to everyone, I-I've heard," he replied. "M-maybe your parents... parents will be OK. With it. I am."

I sighed. "I know you do, but not everyone loves the truth."

Phil rolled off his back onto his stomach and put his chin onto his fists. "Just... say it. Over dinner. Confess... kinda. Say... ab-bout me."

An idea dawned upon me. "What if I kept them wondering and said "they"?"

"They'd think... I was agender or-or something."

I snickered and pulled his arms out from under his head, surprising him as he smacked into the bed. He flattened his face into the duvet, muttering "No."

"C'mon, it might work! Trust me!" I begged.

Phil rolled back over onto his back to look me in the eyes. Oh, his beautiful sky-blue eyes. "Whatever, Daniel."

A.N.: sorry for the short chapter. next one will be good. hint hint: it will be from Dan's POV.


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