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(sorry but i don't watch stranger things so keep the eleven jokes to yourselves please)


Outside of the trees, we found a patch of grass to sit down on. It was a lot comfier than the dirt in the tunnel. Dan sat down next to me, a concentrated glance stuck on his face. He appeared to be lost in his own thoughts. I tried to keep staring at the clouds, drifting across an ocean-blue sky, but a pull inside begged to stare at the boy by my side. 

His head was turned at a precise angle for the sunlight to land directly on his soft face. Every part of him, the faded bruises, now just a tinge of yellow marking their presence. The freckles scattered on his face. The dimple in his cheek I could see when he smiled. All of it was so enticing. Oh, how I wanted to press my lips to his and be lost in the love.

"So," Dan finally snapped me out of the trance I was lost in. He sighed, and began to confess.

"You, um, know how I said I'm not normal either? Well, um, you can tell... I'm not. I mean, what man relies on a literal air catcher to survive? Who questions every action? Who lets sentences sit on their tongue that are templated? Who's mind pulls them away from every possible behaviour?" It was now that I finally noticed the rivers of saltwater tears running down his bright red face. "Me. That's why I earned these bruises. I'm bi, fat, anxiety-ridden, asthmatic, and the biggest mistake to roam the earth."

His head fell onto his knees, which he had brought up close to his chest, and I watched his back move up and down to the irregular beat of his sobs. I scooted up to his side and wrapped my arms around the tight ball of black clothes and white skin that was Dan.

"Well, um, y-you are..." I thought, then finally told him, "y-ou are my bi... my sq-k-squishy boy, my beautiful, and n-no mis... mistake at all."

Dan finally lifted his head. I got a glimpse of the rose cheeks I had fallen in love with before he set it down on my shoulder and whispered, "I love you too. You are no mistake." 

Oh my god. Dan. Loves. Me. Back.

"Nothing... matters. I l-love you. Love y-you no matter what."

We sat in silence on the patch of grass. Slowly, the sun edged its way out from behind a cloud and casted a ray of warm light onto us. When it finally sank in, somehow we eased off each other. Was it magic?

"I'm sorry," Dan mumbled, "I shouldn't have been so emotional."

"I-It's okay," I replied. 

I shakily got back to my feet and pulled him up to my side. Our bodies were quite close to each other, and a strange impulse to kiss him started in my head. It wasn't silenced by his eyes meeting mine. A grin tugged his soft pink lips up, as if he was encouraging it.

This is your first "date", don't go too far! 

Maybe... a small cheek peck?

So I turned my head and did just that.

Dan turned bright red, like a rose in afternoon light. His eyes grew wide as he realised what I had done. "Um, I- er, uh, thank you," He sputtered.

I couldn't help it. I hid my mouth as I chuckled. 

His fingers intertwined with mine and we walked out of the park together.

Yep, it was magic.

A.N.: aaaahhhh so much fluffy angst!!! Also LAST UPDATE OF 2017! Wowza! Here's to a great 2018!


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