
21 1 4

(Back to Philly boi)

This was a mistake.

He'll never show up.

Why did you do that?

He doesn't care about you.

No one does.

My hopes of an afternoon with my brown-haired saviour were gradually being crushed by his lateness. I paced the small strip of path in front of the "tree tunnel".

I hid here when my thoughts harmed my mind too much and I had lost too much blood. The wood trunks curved in to create a sort of tunnel. It ran along the back of the neighbourhood houses. Despite the litter and random pieces of wood nailed into their trunks, I found silence in the trees as I stood cowardly against my thoughts. They were my second home. (A.N. True description of a place just like this in my neighborhood)

Stupid, he only sees you as an emotional train wreck, there's no way he will show up to- can you even call this a date?

This was definitely a mistake.

Do you dare glance up at the world, only to be reminded of our enivitable loneliness in life?

Oh wait, he's here.

"Hey Phil!" Dan called, quickening his pace as he walked down the path. 

I was at a loss for words. He was dressed in a plain grey jumper and black jeans. His hair, to my surprise, hadn't been straightened. The curls looked like if the ocean had been painted brown. I may have just gaped at him for the entire time it took for him to reach me.

"H-h- hi, Dan." I stammered. "Y-you... you look- g-good."

He blushed. "Thanks!" He ruffled a hand through his hair. "I didn't have time to straighten this mess, so here's Hobbit Hair Dan for ya. I hope it's not too horrendous."

"I-it's... it's really pr-etty." I admitted.

The same brown eyes I had been met with that day in the locker room grew wider when he heard it. He rubbed his arm nervously and smiled, head down.

Why is he always so CUTE?!

"So, why here?" Dan gestured to the tree tunnel.

"I-I wanted to... to show you... where I go. Wh-when I'm... not myself. Er, not... h-happy with... myself." This was the honest truth.


His trembling hand emerged from his pocket and was held out to me. 

Oh my god, Dan wants me to hold his hand. This is the next step! Don't turn it down!

I grabbed hold of his hand- which was surprisingly sweaty, but I didn't mind- and led him into the tunnel.

We stepped into an open space in the trees. We looked up, me being hit with memories of attempted mental escape, Dan just staring, admiring the leaves in a way only artists can. I could see how his eyes grew wide when he noticed a new patch of sunlight streaming through the leaves. It was like me, growing happier when this miracle brought new hope into my day.

"Now I see why you brought me here," I heard him whisper to me.

This is your moment. Say it.

"I-it's as pretty as... as y-you."

I could hear his breath catch as he realized what I had said. I had finally called him pretty. For once, I was telling the truth.

It was beautiful.

I think Dan forgot how to breathe for a second, because I had to gently shake him for him to finally reply.

"I- um, uh, I- y-you think I-I'm pretty?" He choked out.

I could feel my face turn pink as I nodded.

Something like a squeal got trapped in his throat as he suddenly threw his arms around me, bringing me into a choking hug.

"Y-Yeah, um, I'm... I'm gay, j-just FYI," I said.

Finally I was released from his arms as Dan replied, "Well, you helped me realize I was bi, so I think you're lovely, no matter your sexuality."

A huge weight lifted off my chest, and I felt as if breathing was much easier.

"Th-thank you," I said, "b-but... I, um, I have one q-question..."

"You can ask me anything, don't worry."

I took a deep breath in, let it out, and spoke.

"I'm not... normal. At all. So why... why d-do you like me... like I am?"

Dan looked me in the eyes, meeting mine with his brown ones the colour of cocoa, and said, "Because I'm not normal either."

He sighed, or at least he attempted to. I could tell he was getting choked up again. He pulled his inhaler out of his pocket, made it work somehow (I really don't understand those things), and suggested, "Let's take this somewhere else."

A.N.: WOAH I love this chapter! I've got a plot stuck together in my head, and I'm really looking forward to the turnout.

Anyways, I have a question: how do you feel about q&a's with the author and characters in a fic? plz tell me, I'd like to do one but if you don't like them just let me know.


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