Chapter 29 (b)

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After Gunter Volks informed Captain Cutler of what he might need of him, he brought his deputy in on it all. Champion was not happy as he didn't want any part of a plan that might result in his boss's death. At the moment his boss was passed out in a chair in the security control room as he monitored a person of interest for him.

Roberto Diaz was on three different cameras as he sat opposite a crew entrance on the Promenade of Central Plaza. All three cameras were recent installs not part of the regular security apparatus. It was obvious that the man under surveillance knew where all of the standard camera placements were but not of the new equipment. He was a professional operator and knew how to position himself so that he was unobtrusive yet on top of a stake-out.

The whole ship was running on empty. Both passengers and crew were strung out. Fear had given way to fatigue. Everyone wanted off the cursed voyage. While no further incidents had occurred, there was a steady stream of traffic to the infirmary for ailments mostly related to stress. For security, it was mostly quiet out there save for a few scuffles attributable to the strain.

People still went about their business but there was a little exuberance in it. Everyone was subdued and so it was with the man who was surveilling the crew entrance. Had not Volks told him that Diaz was a person of interest, Champion would have overlooked him. He otherwise checked out and had not raised any alarm flags.

So intent was Champion on the screen that he didn't notice Dr. Kripisov slip into the security room. "How long has he been asleep?" she asked with a whisper.

 It nevertheless startled Champion. "Not long enough," replied Champion lowly. "Couple of hours. Only reason he is sleeping is because I'm top of his surveillance."

Kripisov peered at the screen. "Who is he?"

"Non according to the manifest. Business type," said Champion. "But Volks is right that he's up to something. That nose of his."

Kripisov nodded. "I'm not sure how much more the chief can take. Or any of us really."

Volks' eyes opened wearily. "I heard that," he said with a raspy voice. "We have three days left till we enter the system, four days to disembark. After that, the people responsible for all this will be in the wind."

"This man you have Champion monitoring is he connected to all this?" Kripisov asked. "Is he like some of the others that we've encountered? Are we in danger?"

Champion cast an eye over to Volks and Kripisov saw it. She knew that meant she was correct about the threat.

"Truth is I don't know," said Volks. "I've told the captain and Champion here to be prepared. I'm telling you as well. If it comes to the ship we have to protect the passengers and crew."

"We means you," said Kripisov. Her forehead lined with worry. "You aren't aiming to sacrifice yourself?"

Volks smiled a lopsided smile. "Not if I can help it." He laughed. "I will coordinate with the captain, our security and the marshal."

 Champion sat upright in his chair and fixated on the monitor. "Chief, activity on the screen."

Volks jumped up and stood behind Champion. Kripisov peered from the door over both their shoulders. On the screen was live footage of the crew quarters entrance. Out of the entrance and headed into Central Plaza was Miguel. Unbeknownst to him, he had a shadow. Discreetly and professionally the man known as Roberto Diaz cleared his table and followed at a distance.

"Okay, I am on the move," said Volks. "All hands on deck in the security office. I don't want to trip up on any of our own people out there. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen soon."

"I'll keep our people on standby," said Champion. 

"Everything passed on verbally," Volks said as he grabbed his gear. "We don't know if we are still compromised. Use the secondary camera system as this guy seems to know where all our security is placed."

"And the marshal?" asked Champion.

"I will be calling him in the field," grunted Volks. "This guy following Miguel means it will eventually find him soon."

Volks made for the door but not before Kripisov made one last remark that made him stop. "Be careful, Gunter," she said. "Come back in one piece."

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