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"because... jungkook" he got closer to my ear, i flinched and tensed up

"you need to wake up" wait... wake up?

i gasped as my eyes opened and i brought myself up to a sitting position, what... the actual fuck. i rub my head and groan, so i didn't meet him? damn, i sighed in disbelief and mess up my hair. shit.. i have been wanting to invite that... guy over.. i didn't see his face in my dream.. i got up from my bed but all of a sudden my phone started ringing. I wonder who it's from.. i pick up my phone and answer it

"what do you want?" i said emotionlessly

"jungkook-ah! that's no way to talk to your superior" i heard the older shout, i rub my head.. it's too early for this.

"you think i care? anyways whyd you call" i said in a careless tone

"ah, this kid... whatever, i called because i was wondering if you would want to hang out with us, we're planning to go to a cafe" jin asked me, wait who is us?

"us?l" i questioned.. i heard jin groan

"us meaning, namjoon, hoseok, yoongi, and jimi-" before he could finish, i started to talk

"i'm not going, i'm hang up now. bye" as soon as i finished saying that i hung up. if that whore is coming i'm not coming, i sighed in frustration and started to walk out my bedroom. if you're wondering who Jin is, he's a friend from work, and so are the people he listed in the call. They're all from work.

i decided to just forget about it and move on with my day, the day already started off badly. Let's try to make it better.. first.. i want to invite tae.. to my house. I want to meet him really badly, but why do things not work out. i let myself fall onto my couch and i took out my phone. Should i text or call? i decided to just text him..

jungfuck: hey you wanna come over
today? or later my address is
[insert whatever the fuck
you want here idgaf]

i hit send and i started to bite my nails, this is the first time i've ever felt anxious about something like this. wait why do i feel anxious, i've NEVER felt anxious about anything. i shook my head and throw my head back on the couch, i closed my eyes and after a few seconds later i feel a buzz on hand. iTs hIm! i got excited and opened his text.

taesexual: ah.. sorry i'm at work right now. i don't get off till 8pm though.. oh but then i have to baby sit.. the whole night

shit. that's too late.. i sigh and frowned at my screen as i typed back

jungfuck: oh.. i see

taesexual; maybe next time?
what about tomorrow,
i'm off tomorrow.

jungfuck: i work all
day tomorrow

taesexual: dang our timing
sucks, huh fuckbuddy?

jungfuck: our timing is shit

taesexual: right?

taesexual: well i have to go back
to work, i'll text you later tho

jungfuck: okay bye fuckbud

taesexual: byebye~

taesexual went offline

i toss my phone in frustration, then all i have planned today is work...

eatjinsass: i don't care if you wanna go or not! you're coming! we don't hang out that much either so you. are. coming. at. 6pm. okay?

eatjinsass: if you're gonna act like a drama queen then why'd you even date jimin when you knew it wasn't gonna turn out swell

jungfuck: fine whatever
i'm coming

jungfuck: and fuck you i thought that
whore really did love me, buzz off

eatjinsass: whatever you say jeon.

i'm so done with the friends i'm assigned to.

*time skip*

sigh, why do i have to go see them when we'll see each other at work anyways, so stupid

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

sigh, why do i have to go see them when we'll see each other at work anyways, so stupid. I put a cap on and grab my keys. I open my front door to get to my car but... a person was standing in front of the door...

"are you... uhh.. ahem.. jungfuck?"


sorry i just finished watching mulan

Moan | vkook textsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें