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jungfuck: did you get home safely?

taesexual: yeah i did, i just got home

jungfuck: o cool

taesexual: sigh what's wrong?

jungfuck: i miss you already

jungfuck: & you're not even
my boyfriend smh

taesexual: not my fault i'm beautiful

taesexual: and do you want me
to be your boyfriend fuck bud ;))))))

jungfuck: uh... ahem

jungfuck: uh so like why'd
you leave?! it's only 9
am in the morning

taesexual: smh always changing
the subject

taesexual: and don't you
have work?

jungfuck: you're
right ugh

taesexual: lMAO HAVE

jungfuck: fuck you
i hate my coworkers
, except fo yoongi he cool

taesexual: wooow give them
a chance jungkook you have to
eventually have to talk to them

jungfuck: i do i'm just not
close with em

taesexual: surrreeee

taesexual: o shit i gotta go ill
text you later

jungfuck: same i gotta go too, & okay

taesexual: bye~

jungfuck: byeee

guys i'm siccck ;-;

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