Chapter 10 - Flashbacks.

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My brother was back!! How? I may never know. I was overjoyed and ready. I couldn't wait to get revenge on what he did to me back in high school, back when everything was okay, and when it didn't matter.

(Flashback to Highschool) - Still Y/N's POV

I walked around the halls not saying a word to anyone. I was what you would call a loner, at least till I met him. Ein. He changed my life in high school. He was the new omega here, being the omega from the school he transferred from. He had to move because of all the bullying problems he had back at his old high school. I felt bad for him and tried to give him as much sympathy as I could whenever I could.

"Hey, Ein! What's up my broski?" I shouted from my locker. His locker was a few down from mine. I smiled as he waved back. He was a werewolf, but being the omega, it isn't fun, but I tried to defend him when I could.

"Nothing, how you going my sista?" We both had strange nicknames for each other but I didn't care. I loved him. I just wished he loved me the same way I did to him.

I saw our female alpha, Aphmau, coming down the hallway talking to the orange haired meifwa, Kai. Then I saw it. Ein growled while staring at them. I was shocked and heartbroken. No! That doesn't mean anything. He could just be angry that a meifwa was hanging out with a werewolf alpha! Yeah...that...

"I'll see you later Y/N." He said sternly and walked away quickly. I walked over to Aphmau and Kai and talked to them before the bell rang telling us to get to class.

The whole time in class I stared at the wall. Not listening to anything Mr.  Sandwhich was teaching.

"And so that one reason why algebra is important! Y/N can you tell us another one?" He said and everyone turned their heads to look at me. 

I didn't say anything. I finally woke back up from zoning up.

"What? What was the question?" Everyone laughed at me and I felt awful. Is this what Ein feels like? I laid my head on my desk forcing the tears to stay back. I wanted to run, knowing I shouldn't. I'm already almost failing this class, and dad wouldn't let me do ANYTHING if I fail one class!!! 

"Since we know Miss Y/N wasn't paying attention...How about you Aaron? Maybe you can set an example for your sister!" Mr. Sandwhich said mocking me. I felt tiny and helpless. I looked over at the clock hoping time would just pass by faster. 

"We can use it for calculating-" I zoned out once again and ignored everyone. I looked back up at the clock noticing almost no time past by. I wanted to run out of that room and scream. No! Keep emotions under control Y/N!! 

"Correct Aaron! Good Job! Y/N, maybe you should look up to your brother!" The teacher continued. I hate being the little sibling. Everyone expects me to be like Aaron. 

"Why are you so different from your brother! He's so smart and knows what he is doing!! Why can't you be like him!!"

"Ugh! You're terrible! Why can't you just be like Aaron, who is soooo much better!!"

"I can't believe this!! Aaron Lycan aces another report card, while Y/N Lycan....has 3 A's, 2 B's, A C-, and 2 D's. Y/N! Why can't you just be like Aaron?!" 

I decided to pack my things and walk out of that room like a boss. It was the only way I could escape this.

I stood up and grabbed my things and everyone gasped.

"OOHHHH!! Y/N IS BEING SAVAGE!!" I heard someone say whisper shouting to their guy friends.

I sighed and walked out of the door and stopped hearing my name being called.

"What"  I said in the most annoyed serious tone I could muster.

"I'm coming with you sista. Besides, If that is how we must be taught our mistakes, I don't want to be in that class with an asshole teacher, who picks on some high school girl." I saw Ein stand up and walk out the door and smiled at me. The teacher looking quite pissed off.

"Neither of you are leaving this class without my permission!!" He shouted.

We turned around and gave him the middle finger and laughed as we walked away.

I heard everyone screaming and laughing at what we did and it felt great. Yeah sure I was going to get yelled at big time, but it was worth it.

We had walked to the park and sat under a tree. I looked at my phone noticing school was out.

I saw Aphmau, Kai, Casey, Garroth, Laurance, and Katelyn playing soccer. Aphmau had kicked a goal and I heard Ein whisper to himself "That's my girl..." I stood up. 

"What's wrong sis?" He said with a worried expression. I looked back down at him and grabbed my things and left without saying a word.

"Y/N?!" He shouted.

I still walked. I couldn't take this. He Loved her. I cried and started to run home. My tears falling on the sidewalk. I pushed past people, running faster and faster.

I was done with him. Weeks and weeks later I would see him with Aphmau all of the time.

"Hey my little potata sista!! How you doing?" I would hear him say. That was my nickname...
I wasn't mad at Aphmau, I know she had nothing to do with this. She was obbilvous to what was happening. 

It didn't matter anymore. I would get my revenge on him for that. I hated him with everything in my body. Call me crazy, but he needed to die.


(Flashback Over)

I sat on the couch wrapping my fists in tape. I wanted to kill him myself. He never cared for me and just used me. 

"Hey Sista, You should rest!" I heard Aaron say. I cringed at the word, Aaron didn't notice and that's okay.

"I will..." I said back. I wanted to be the one to punch that stupid smirk off of his face. I wanted him to pay for what he did to me. I looked down at my forearms which were covered in scars. I cut, because of him. I lost any chance of getting a scholarship, going to an AMAZING college that I wanted. All because of him. I wanted my revenge on him.

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