Chapter 19 - Only a Few Months.

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Aaron's POV

I was slowly recovering from that incident. Though I may still have nightmares about what had happened...I am getting better. 

"Aaaarrrooonnn!~~" I heard Melissa say coming out of the back door to the backyard where I was stretching. "Yeah? What's up?" I said turning towards her.

"I have something for you!" She handed me a small box and I smiled.

"Is this from-" 

"You don't even have to ask! You know it is!" She smiled as she walked back inside.

I laid down on the grass and slowly opened the box. I saw a small purple voice recorder in the box with my favorite emoji face. I smiled to myself picking it up and pressing the button.

I listened to Aph's sweet voice over and over. 

"My stupid potato..." I said quietly.

I laid down on the grass for a while listing to the recording again and again.
I was happy everyone was okay. But I still felt terrible about what had happened.

" Aaron?" I turned and saw Y/N, Blaze, and Daniel with Rylan still coming out of the house.

"What...are you doing?" Y/N said confused. I sat up quickly and hid the recorder. "You okay man? Your face is turning really red..." Blaze said as he started to walk over by me, the others following behind.

"Y...yeah! I'm fine!" I said standing up quickly. Y/N noticed the small purple recorder from behind my leg. "Aaron? What is that...?" She quickly snatched it before I could grab it from her.

I took a deep breath. "It's from Aph..." I said looking at the ground nervously.

"Aww! That's so sweet!" Daniel said looking at it.

"Anyway! Back to the reason, we came out here guys!" Rylan said. "Oh, yeah! We wanted to see if you wanted to play catch with us?" Blaze said holding a few tennis balls in his hands smirking at me.

"Yeah! Sure! I've got nothing to do today!" I smiled at the group.

"Let's go Alpha!" Y/N smirked at me as she ran to a corner of the yard.

"Fine...Beta!" I smirked back at her. She glared at me then laughed. Y/N had been doing really well. I was happy for her. She was a lot more confident then back in high school. She had been recovering well. Her E/C ears and tail moved slowly as she waited for the ball to be thrown.

"OKAY!" Blaze shouted and the ball was thrown and we all ran after it.

We continued to play catch for a while until it was around noon.

Quick A/N - I am going to disregard the fact of a possible Blaze X Reader unless you guys tell me you want it to happen in the story.


I smiled at the pack. I was happy. Mom said that I have been more confident and was talking more than I ever usually did, and was happy that I was talking more.

It was 4 in the afternoon and I was laying down on the couch with everyone playing board games in front of me. Dottie had finally shown up. She never came out to play ball but she said she was binge watching Fairy Tail so I don't blame her!

"Hey Y/N you sure you don't wanna play?" Rylan asked me. I just shook my head and continued my thoughts.

I wonder how everyone was doing back home...?

"Hey you guys, we have another visitor that will be staying with the pack!" Mom said from the entrance of the living room.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Well, why don't you go look?" She said smiling at me. I walked up the stairs and went to the door and I saw her. Maria!!!

"OMG!! MARIA?!!" I shouted as I ran to hug her.

"Y/N?!!!! OMG, IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!!" She said as she returned the hug. She was one of my only other friends back in high school. I loved her a sister and was secretly jealous of her confidence back then.

"Well don't just stand there! Come on in and meet the rest of the pack!" I said leading her to the living room.

"Maria? Who knew you would show up?" Dottie smiled at her and gave her a hug. We all did our greetings and I led her to Dottie's room where she would be staying. "So, you are the beta...and Aaron is the Alpha? First, who knew you guys where werewolves?!" She had been asking lots of questions. 

"We always have been...we just hid it very well..." I said.

I sighed a breath of relief when she walked off to everyone else.

"Man...she can talk your ear off..." I giggled and walked to my room and jumped onto my bed. I took a deep breath and relaxed in the silence of my room.

Aaron's POV

Well...another werewolf I guess. Heh, I barely remember Maria, but I'm sure she won't mind.

"So Aaron!" 

"WHA-?!" I was woken from my deep thoughts and I fell off the couch onto the cold hardwood flooring.

"Aaron?! You okay? Did I scare you? I'm sorry!!" Maria said quickly. I smiled and she helped me up.

"It's okay! Don't worry... I was deep in my thoughts..." I said quietly.

"Anyway!! Since we have a new werewolf..." Dottie began.

"We have to give her a rank in the pack!!" Daniel and Rylan said together.

"You guys really want to do that?" I asked them a bit confused. I  mean, we have the Beta and Alpha, but I didn't think they would want a full rank list. Which means someone would have to be...the Omega and I know traditionally there should be one, but not in my pack.

"Guys, I don't want to have anyone as an maybe we shouldn't?" I said trying to butt into their conversation but I don't think they heard me. 

"Guys?" I said again. They still didn't hear me. 

"GUYS!!" I shouted and everyone froze and turned their heads to me quickly.

"I...I" I took a deep breath. "I don't want to do this, I don't want to have anyone being stuck with the role of  an Omega... I don't want that even though this goes against traditions to werewolves..." I said sternly.

"It's cool Aaron, Thanks for voicing your opinion. That's great! Onto the path of confidence!" Maria said.

"Hey Aaron?" I turned and saw Y/N at the top of the stairs. "Yeah? What-ca need Little Lycan?" I asked her smiling. She glared and me and then signaled me to come up to her.

"You okay?" I asked her with worry in my voice. 

"Oh, No! It's nothing to do with me. I just wanted to show you the calendar...and see if you notice anything?" She said smiling. I looked at it and flipped to a few months ahead into the summer months.

"It's ALMOST SUMMER!! I only have 2 more months till I can see her! What if she doesn't like me anymore?! What if she hates my ears and tail?!" I said falling onto my knees a little too dramatically.

"Aaron, Bro, You are fine. She loves you. You know this! She loves you with everything she can give and you love her too." She said  patting my head.

I stood up and took a deep breath. "Thanks Little Lycan!" I said giving her a hug.

I was happy. I was going to see her soon

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