Okay, I want to Know something Important.

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Does anyone have an iPhone, that reads this book? If so PLEASE tell me in the comments.

I want to see if this is just my phone, or is a common problem among Wattpad iPhone readers.

When you are reading, with Wifi, or Data, does your Wattpad app freeze, and the only way to make it stop is to go into AirPlane mode?

My phone always does this when I want to write on my phone, but I never can because of the app freezing.

If you have this problem, Do you have a solution that you have tried and has worked? And please tell me what you tried.

I need to know because the only way without my phone to update stories, is at my school and on the laptops but I want to update on Saturdays as well, but I need help with this.

PLEASE tell me if you are an iPhone, or even an Apple user and you have this problem.

I only have an iPhone so I don't know if this is a problem with an iPod or iPad.

I know this isn't a problem with Android users, because my friend has told me she doesn't have this problem and she has an Android user.

It may be but that is what I have gathered so far as data for this problem.

If you have any solutions, ideas, and why this is happening to me, please tell me.

I will continue to write this chapter on any more data found.

I will try my theory on another Apple device and find why this happens.

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