Christmas One Shot (A/N at the END)

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It's finally that time of the year~! CHRISTMAS!!

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas~~!" I sang while decorating the house.

"Toys in every store~!" I saw Garroth smiling at me from the top of the stairs, he was helping decorate as well.

"Well? Let's see what we have done!" I said backing away from the wall. I looked and it looked like we did nothing!!

"Wha?! How could this be!?" Garroth shouted in confusion. "We have been decorating for hours!!!" I screamed with him. 

"WHAT IS ALL THE SCREAMING FOR?!" Zane shouted from behind Garroth glaring at the both of us. "UM, HELLO!! WE HAVE BEEN DECORATING FOR HOURS AND IT LOOKS LIKE NOTHING!?!" I screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

"So what then?!" He screamed as he walked away.

"Ugh, Garroth lets go get some new decorations, we need them anyway!" I said as we walked out the door. As we walked outside, the glittery snow fell slowly around us. I spun in a circle in the snow smiling and giggling. Garroth laughed and went to get the car started.

I played in the snow for a bit and then saw Aaron and Aphmau walking outside with their decorations. I smirked at got a snowball ready. "Hehe, he will never expect it!" I said quietly making sure Aaron's werewolf sensitive ears couldn't hear me. 

"Okay Aphmau you go grab the ladder and we could start with the lights around the porch," Aaron said as Aphmau walked back in the home. I got the snowball ready and I chucked it for his face. I watched as it smashed into his face becoming the small snow bits it once was. I laughed out loud and laughed harder when he looked at me with a face of "What the actual fuck did you just do?" 

"So, little Lycan. That's how it's going to be?!" He shouted as he began to gather snowballs. I decided I should either make a bunch of them or run. I was going to defend my butt and fight him!!

"You're on!!" I shouted back at him gathering snowballs.

He started throwing them over the fence and I ducked to avoid them. The one thing that I am the best at is doing sneak attacks on Aaron. He could never find me when I would "disappear" and he would get totaled with snow! 

"Oh Little Y/N Lycan! Come out come out! You know I have the werewolf senses, so I can find you easier!!" He shouted. I had crawled my way around his backyard and snuck into his house and I climbed up onto his porch roof. I giggled as he still looked over at the fence I had hidden behind.

I grabbed as much snow and gathered it into a pile from his roof and waited till he backed up a few feet. That way he would get clobbered with the snow.

"Y/N! Come out! Where are you hiding?" He asked lost in confusion. 

He backed up as if he was giving up into his house and I pushed as much snow as I could from his roof onto him.

"YES!!" I laughed as he fell to the ground in the snow. Aphmau ran out confused.

"Aaron? What are you...doing?" She looked at him with the most confused face ever. I signaled to him to be quiet and not say what happened so I could plow her with the snow! 

" thought I could make an a...a snow angel?" He said trying to come up with something quickly.

"Oh, well I got the ladder finally, it was kinda heavy to get, but I did it!!" She smiled in the victory over the heavy ladder. I again gathered up the snow from the roof and pushed it down onto her.

"GAH!!" She screamed at the sudden shock of snow cold. She quickly turned her head and saw me laughing on their roof and began to laugh with me.

"Y/N!! Come on! We have to go now!!" Garroth shouted from our lawn. "Coming!!" I shouted back as I climbed into their house. I rushed down the stairs and opened the front door and I got plowed with snowballs from Aaron and Aphmau who were laughing as they threw them. 

"Okay!! I give up! Aaron, you won! For once" I said laughing and I ran to the car covered in the snow. 

"Well, I think you will have to get a new name Y/N...Y/N the Snow Woman!!" Garroth laughed as we drove to buy new decorations.


(Christmas Eve)

Nothing was stirring not even a mouse. The fireplace was decorated with stockings filled to the brim of gifts. Everyone on Lover's Lane fast alseep, with dreams of sugarplums dancing in their minds. All was peaceful till that very Christmas Morning, where all was joyful and happy good cheer. Everyone singing and giving joy. Exchange of gifts and Thank you's.

Well I mean, It's Christmas Eve and I wanted to rewrite a famous poem thing for Christmas Morning. It was okay I guess, I still wasn't sure how to end it. I quietly walked down the stairs making sure not to wake anyone and looked back at the tree and I saw a silhouette of someone standing there by the tree. 

"Hello?" I said quietly as I walked a bit closer to investigate.

"Oh, MY... Oh, Y/N it's just you" I walked closer and I saw Zane with some cocoa looking at the tree.

"Well, why are you up?" He asked. "The same thing for you Nugget." I smiled as I watched him cringe at the name. "Well, I asked you first." He said. "Looking for some inspiration to finish something for tomorrow..." He smiled and looked at me. "Well, I was thinking about pranking Garroth and Laurance...You up for it?" He smirked and I gave a smile.

"What were you thinking?" I asked.

Small laughs and Giggles filled the night as the two began their Christmas prank. They laughed and smiled as they put the mistletoe all over the upstairs ceiling. The two being careful not to be caught under it. The two laughed and smiled at their work and decided it was time to go to sleep and prepare for the Christmas morning coming soon.

"You all should come to our house tomorrow morning, and early. We have something to show you guys." I texted everyone. 

"Okay, how early is early?" -  Potato Woman said.

"See you then I guess?" - TSK  said. (The Shadow Knights)

"Cool, No promises this girl will be up early thou!!" - Witch Bitch said.

"See you all tomorrow morning then guys~!" - That One Cat Girl said.

The texts continued throughout the night as morning came closer and closer.

It was 6:37 A.M when I heard Garroth and Laurance woke up. I heard everyone downstairs and I texted them to quietly come up the stairs.

I had my camera ready as the two came out of their doors and found themselves stuck together under the mistletoe.

"REALLY GUYS?!" Garroth yelled in distress.

"WHY?! IT'S CHRISTMAS?!" Laurance yelled after. 

"Do it! You know the rules! If you don't bad luck and coal for years to come!!" I said as everyone was laughing. (IDK If there is a punishment for not kissing under the mistletoe so I made one up!)

"Ugh, I mean it can't be THAT bad right?" Laurance said looking into Garroth's bright baby blue eyes. His face showed a deep red blush painted on his face. Garroth was nervous and didn't know what to do. So he just kissed him right on the lips, his face red as that of a bright tomato.

"YES!!" I said and everyone clapped. 

Christmas is the best time of year when families and friends come over and share Christmas cheer, I hope all of you have a great Christmas, or whatever you may celebrate, HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR!!!

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