Kurtbastian- The Coffee Shop Boy

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A/N: Thank you to Anna for requesting Kurtbastian. I hope you enjoy it! If you want to request a drabble, just message me!

Kurt dialed Blaine's number into his phone and pressed call. Blaine Anderson was Kurt's best friend and former crush. After pining over Blaine for months, Kurt realized that his attempts to win Blaine's heart were useless and it was time to move on.

Kurt drummed his fingers on his desk in his bedroom as the phone rang. It's only 7:30 pm so Blaine shouldn't be busy, Kurt thought. "Ugh. Pick up, pick up!" Kurt groaned in frustration and dialed Blaine's number yet again.

"Dude, what's going on?" Finn peeked his head into Kurt's room.

After Burt and Carole got married a few months ago, their joint family moved into a new house and Finn's room was right across the hall from Kurt's. Unfortunately for Kurt, he could hear everything that Finn was saying, watching, or doing. "Blaine won't pick up his phone." Kurt turned to look at his brother, a look of annoyance on his face.

"Maybe he's busy?" Finn shrugged. "I mean he has a life too, doesn't he?"

"Hello?" Came a voice through the phone.

Kurt waved Finn out of the room, although Finn left the door open when he left. "Hey, Blaine. It's Kurt." Kurt walked across the room to shut his door as he talked and ended up shooing Finn away from the open door.

"What's up? Is it an emergency? You called so many times." Blaine's worried voice cracked through the phone.

Kurt made a quick reminder to ask his dad for a new phone. "Um, it's not really an emergency, but I really needed to talk to you."

"Oh, okay. Can you make it quick? I'm a little busy right now." Blaine replied.

"Yeah sure," Kurt frowned and waited for a second to try and hear what Blaine was doing. After hearing nothing though, he continued, "I just saw this guy at the Lima Bean and he was in a Dalton Uniform. He was tall, slender, brown hair, and a smirk that never left his face. I was wondering if you knew him."

Kurt felt his face grow hot just thinking about the guy he saw at the coffee shop. Maybe it was a stupid idea to ask Blaine about this. Well, this is embarrassing. "That's Sebastian Smythe. He just transferred to Dalton. Why?" Blaine's curiosity seemed to override whatever he was busy doing.

"Um, no reason really," Kurt replied.

The last thing he wanted to do was talk about crushes with his former crush. It just felt wrong. "Just curious I guess. I'll let you go. Bye." Kurt hung up before Blaine could get in another word.

His heart was pounding. "Sebastian Smythe," he murmured.

"Who's Sebastian?" Rachel appeared in the doorway.

"Finn! Come get your girlfriend!" Kurt yelled.

"Rachel's over? You must have invited her cuz I didn't." Finn appeared next to Rachel in the doorway and wrapped his arm around her.

She smiled up at Finn and kissed his chin since it was one of the only places she could reach on his face without going on her tiptoes. "I just heard Kurt talking about a guy," she explained to Finn. "And yeah, Kurt invited me over. I guess he forgot." Rachel glared at Kurt.

"Crap, sorry Rachel. I was distracted today." Kurt apologized.

Rachel wiggled her eyebrows. "Distracted by a certain Sebastian Smythe?"

"Shut up." Kurt threw a pillow at Rachel but ended up missing.

She giggled and sat down on Kurt's bed. Finn lost interest and wandered back into his room. "Tell me about him! I thought you liked Blaine?"

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