Sancedes- Lady Gators VS Kingslayers

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A/N: College football AU for Tacogrande (tumblr) or Tacodemuerte (instagram). Check out her art if you haven't already!!

"Catch!" Blaine yelled, throwing the football in a perfect spiral towards Santana.

Santana reached up one arm lazily, only to have the football fly over her hand. "We've been practicing for hours. Can't we stop now?"

"Santana," Blaine whined. "We have a game tomorrow against the Lady Gators and we can't lose."

Santana sighed, giving in to the puppy dog eyes Blaine shot her. "Okay, but I need to take a fifteen-minute break. My arms are sore."

"Your arms are always sore."

"Shut up, Anderson."

Santana jogged to the bench, where a water jug dispenser sat, full of icy cold water. She filled up a paper cup several times and chugged it each time. Santana sat and watched the players in the huge field. The coach was out in the field, directing other boys on how to stand when they were throwing and catching. Usually, the coach wasn't so hard on the players, but tomorrow's game was important. It would determine whether their team would go on to the national championship playoff. Santana's team, the Kingslayers, had never made it to the national playoff, so getting this far and losing to the Lady Gators was not an option.

Santana's muscles ached and she was out of breath, despite sitting for ten minutes. Practices lasted way too long for her taste. She faintly heard the coach shout for the players to take a break and stood up. The coach hadn't noticed her earlier break, thank god. If he did, she would have had to run laps while the other players took their break. "Blaine," Santana called to her roommate.

"Yeah?" Blaine said before taking a glug of water.

"I think we should go check out the competition." Santana wiggled her eyebrows.

"That's not allow-"

"Does it look like I care?"

Blaine stared at Santana's face for a few moments. "Fine. But if I get caught..."

"We won't get caught," she reassured him. "Let's get changed and we can head out. No time for showering though."

"Come on," Blaine groaned. "I'm all sweaty."

"Tough luck. It's a long drive and we don't have time. You smell weird no matter what, so don't worry about it."

Several minutes later, the two were sitting in Blaine's fancy hybrid car, much to Blaine's dismay. "Now my car is going to smell like sweat!"

"It's fine. I bet it won't," Santana lied.

Blaine gave Santana a doubtful look before turning on the radio. Pop music blared through the speakers and Santana shifted into her seat to stare out the window. This was going to be a long drive.

Only a few minutes passed before Santana leaned over to change the station. Classic rock blared through the stereo. "Really?" Blaine said, glancing over at Santana to frown.

"You know I hate pop."

"But it was Katy Perry," Blaine whined.

"You can listen to Katy Perry when you're by yourself. I want to listen to something better."

"Driver picks the station," Blaine declared before pressing a button on the car stereo.

An annoying popular song blared through the stereo. Santana didn't care enough to remember the title. She pressed her forehead against the window and slowly closed her eyes. The AC was turned all the way up and the air ruffled Santana's ponytail. She breathed in and out rhythmically until she was fast asleep.

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