Brittana- Goddess

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A/N: Requests are open!! If you want to request, message me a ship (and idea if you have one) or post it in the comments, or on Tumblr @alinelovelace, or instagram @encyclopediabrittana ! 

Thunder boomed as Brittany and Rachel sat on the sofa in Brittany's house. "She's mad," Brittany said, right as a bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

"Who?" Rachel asked her friend.

"Santana," Brittany sighed.

"Your girlfriend?"

Brittany could be strange sometimes, but it was because she was creative. She would make up stories to go along with each of her ideas. Rachel couldn't wait to hear what Brittany had to say about this.

"Yeah, that Santana. We got into a fight about where to eat dinner. She was having a bad day so she got irritated and left," Brittany explained.

"What does that have to do with her storm?" Rachel questioned.

"She's causing it. Duh," Brittany said with an eye roll. "She's a goddess."

"Mhm," Rachel agreed, knowing that protesting it would only make Brittany defensive.

"You don't believe me," Brittany said with a frown.

Damn Brittany for being so good recognizing feelings. She and Rachel often joked that Brittany's superpower was being able to read people so well. "Well, it's a little unbelievable. Does she live in the sky or something?" Rachel said, trying not to offend Brittany too much.

"No, that's stupid. She lives in an apartment in Manhattan," Brittany scoffed.

Rachel shot a glare at Brittany. She had never actually met Brittany's girlfriend, so she wasn't even confident Santana actually existed. Rachel chose to believe Brittany, but her faith that Santana was real was decreasing by the minute. "I'd like to meet this so-called girlfriend," Rachel said, adding air quotes around 'girlfriend'.

Brittany's eyebrows crinkled together and her mouth dropped open. "Wait, you don't even believe I have a girlfriend?"

Rachel gave her a smug smile and a shrug in response.

That hurt Brittany more than Rachel knew. Or maybe Rachel did know and intended it to be that way. Implying that Santana didn't even exist was a blow to the heart. All the times Santana brushed her fingers over her hand and sent electricity coursing through her veins, all the times her heart skipped a beat after Santana did something cute, all the 'I love you's murmured between kisses, all the times her face hurt from smiling so much. Rachel claiming this was fake made Brittany's blood boil. Her love with Santana was very real, as was their relationship.

"Fuck you," Brittany cursed. "I don't have to prove anything to you."

Except she wanted to. Rachel was one of her best friends, no matter how annoying she could be. It pained her to think that Rachel didn't believe her, even if the truth sounded a little weird. "Tell me how you two met," Rachel said. "And then I'll decide if she's real or not."

Brittany closed her eyes and massaged her temples. Rachel's idea made no sense. What did significance did it have how she and Santana met? It could be a crazy story, a boring story, or a mix of the two. The story would hold no proof that Santana existed, even though she does. Santana was existing loudly and somewhat violently at the moment. Brittany wished that she could just show Santana to Rachel, but right now, that wasn't an option. Brittany opened her eyes and began. "Well, it was a dark and stormy night filled with fog."

"That sounds like the beginning of a scary story," Rachel commented.

"Shut up, Brittany ordered before beginning again. "I was bored so I decided to head to a bar."

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