Klaine- The Invisible Man

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Kurt felt invisible. It was something he felt on a daily basis. He was constantly ignored by friends and family. He would talk and no one would listen. It was like he didn't exist on some days. He blamed this on himself. Kurt often talked too much about things no one was interested in. He understood why people ignored him. Instead of using his 'invisibility' to his advantage, he sat around moping about it. Kurt was someone who gave into their emotions and let their feelings consume them. His feelings felt overwhelming, like a huge wave. He just let the ocean of his thoughts drown him. He knew it wasn't healthy, but it would be a hard habit to break.

Kurt sat on the couch after school, watching Fashion Runway. He would meet up with Brittany to watch new episodes every Thursday, but they were playing reruns tonight. It was strange watching without Brittany, but Kurt didn't mind though; he had finished all of his homework and had nothing better to do. The episode was about halfway over when Finn walked in the front door. He had basketball practice, so he got home a few hours after Kurt. Finn sat down on the couch next to Kurt and changed the channel to football. "Hey! I was watching my show," Kurt fumed.

Finn just stared at the tv, as if Kurt wasn't even there. Instead of trying to get the tv back, Kurt just sighed and walked upstairs. He was too tired to argue with Finn. School had been hard, everyone was ignoring him. In fact, it had been almost a month since anyone acknowledged him, family or people at school. Entering his room, Kurt gave a sigh of relief. Finn hadn't touched any of his stuff. Carole often sorted his and Finn's clothes wrong so Finn would rifle through Kurt's drawers, trying to find missing clothing. There were no clothes on the floor and everything was immaculate. Kurt's books were sorted and standing up straight, his picture frames were tilted at the right angles. After admiring his tidy room, Kurt flopped down on his bed. He pulled out his phone and checked his messages. No messages, as always. It was 4:50 pm, so Kurt decided to do Carole a favor and make dinner for the family. He had nothing better to do anyway.

Kurt reluctantly got off of his comfortable bed and ambled downstairs. Finn was still watching old football games on the couch. Kurt peered out the window to see that there were no cars in the driveway. Dinner would be a surprise for his parents. Kurt was careful not to make too much noise. Finn hated it when Kurt interrupted football unless it was for snacks. It was the same when Kurt watched Project Runway. Since Burt and Carole would be getting home in about an hour, Kurt decided to make something quick. He decided on lasagna stuffed shells. Kurt enjoyed cooking and baking. He was fantastic at it and was often praised for his delicious meals. Kurt wished he got that much praise for his singing though. It only took him 45 minutes to whip up the lasagna. He even had time to portion out the meal out for four people. Kurt hovered in the doorway of the kitchen, waiting for his parents to get home and compliment the dinner he made.

Kurt ended up sitting on the floor since standing took so much energy and made his legs sore. It had been ten minutes since he made the lasagna and he was afraid it was going to get cold. Kurt was just about to play Candy Crush on his phone when the door finally swung open. Kurt leaped to his feet and rocked on his heels. He was impatient from waiting so long and now his family was all finally together. Kurt had tried a new recipe as well and was ready for input. "Finn, did you make that?" Carole asked.

Finn must have thought Carole meant the birdhouse sitting on the coffee table that he made in woodworking class. "Yep," he said, not glancing away from the tv for even a second.

Carole walked over to plant a kiss on the top of Finn's head. "Thank you, sweetie. It's been a hard month and it was very thoughtful of you to make dinner."

At this, Finn swiveled his head away from the tv. "I didn't make dinner."

Burt lightly punched Finn's arm. "Sure, you didn't. You know, cooking doesn't make you less of a man. If anything, it makes you more of a man. Kurt taught us that."

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