Klaine- Nightbird

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A/N: Thank you to @StarOfLightning for requesting Superhero!Kurt and Supervillain!Blaine. You can message me if you have a request! I just need a ship and an AU and I can write something for you.

Kurt frowned. It was a hot, summer day in New York and sweat was dripping down his forehead, making the inside of his mask moist. He was running down the street, trying to find Nightbird, who was supposedly going to ruin a fundraiser in Central Park. Kurt wouldn't call Nightbird a supervillain, just an inconvenience that always seemed to keep popping up, no matter how many times he was defeated. Nightbird didn't even do horrible things, he never stole and he never attempted to kill. No matter what he did though, Kurt always had to stop him anyway.

Kurt came to a stop at a giant balloon arch. A sign that read 'Make-A-Wish Foundation' was taped to the arch. The fundraiser was a run and an ice cream social. Kurt casually walked over to the runners. "Have you seen Nightbird?"

A brunette girl turned to face him. "Oh my god! Frostbite is here!"

"Shush, please be quiet," Kurt put his hand on her shoulder. "Nightbird can't know I'm here. This way I have the advantage."

Kurt had no idea why he was even explaining this to the girl, but she nodded. "No, I haven't seen him. Are you going to run and raise money?"

Kurt opened his mouth to reply but luckily, he didn't need to. He heard the clattering of dishes and took off towards the noise. The noise came from the dozens of picnic tables and colorful umbrellas set up for the ice cream social. When Kurt made it to the tables, he immediately spotted Nightbird sitting on the ice cream coolers. Well, more draped across the coolers in an attempt to look attractive. If Nightbird wasn't so annoying, Kurt may have found him cute. Nightbird had a mop of dark curls and gorgeous hazel eyes. His eyes always seemed to light up whenever he saw Kurt. "I've been waiting for you, Frostbite."

Kurt crossed his arms and sighed. "Any last words before I defeat you? Again."

Nightbird put on a pouty face. "Aw, don't you love seeing me? Isn't it the best part of your day?"

"No." Kurt shot an ice beam towards Nightbird, but he rolled off the ice cream cooler just in time.

"Wouldn't it be a shame if the ice cream got ruined?" Nightbird braced himself before attempting to push over one of the ice cream coolers.

Kurt watched as Nightbird continually tried to tip over the cooler. Eventually, he got tired of watching Nightbird struggle so he walked over to him. "Nice try."

Kurt froze Nightbird's feet to the ground and called the police. What a waste of a perfectly good Saturday afternoon. He jogged to the bathrooms and slipped into a stall. Kurt did the Wonder Woman spin and was in his normal clothes again. A tight, white and light blue bodysuit wasn't exactly great for a day in the park. Neither was the mask that suffocated his eyes. Kurt walked over to the sinks and stared at himself in the mirror. He never thought he would become a superhero. Kurt was attending NYADA, an academy for the dramatic arts with his friend, Rachel. He expected the unexpected, but this was too unexpected, too wild, too unreal. Kurt splashed his face with cold water.

By the time he left the bathrooms, Nightbird was already gone. "The police actually came quickly, what a surprise," Kurt murmured to himself.

Since his work here was done, he left the fundraiser and headed to his apartment in Bushwick. Instead of running (which was a stupid idea), he took the subway which was much faster. Kurt sent Rachel a quick text saying he'd be home in 40 minutes and sat back in his seat. He watched as a woman made an effort to balance the cake she was holding. Kurt was about to get up and offer his seat to her when Nightbird emerged from a different subway car and pushed the cake out of her hands. "Oops."

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