Brittana- A Day in the Life of the Lopierces

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A/N: As always, I'm open to requests on either wattpad or my instagram @encyclopedia_brittana. Since I'm starting school again, I won't be posting as often, although I'll try to finish requests within a week or two. 

Everyone who's in the path of Hurricane Florence, please stay safe! This is going to be my first hurricane (lucky me).

Santana started her morning by being woken up by an enthusiastic Brittany. "San, get up! We're going to the gym this morning."

Santana groaned. Getting out of bed was a sport for her. She did, however, promise Brittany that they would go to a gym. Now that Santana thought about it, their apartment looked like a hurricane had torn through it. She had two choices; she could either drag her ass out of bed and go to the gym or she could stay home and clean. Santana chose the latter. Neither she nor Brittany knew how to be an adult, which meant take-out almost every night and stuff scattered all over the place. They needed to start doing chores, something Santana never thought she would ever think. But for now, lying in bed exhausted, even after a full night of sleep, seemed like a great third option. "I'm too tired, Britt-Britt."

"I know what will perk you up," Brittany said and left the room.

"More sleep?" Santana mumbled into her pillow, even though she knew Brittany couldn't hear her.

Santana could tell whenever Brittany headed towards her, even if she couldn't see her. The telltale jingle of a necklace bouncing against her wife's chest would sound. Brittany wore her wedding ring on a necklace since she lost her ring so often. Santana waited for the sound of Brittany's necklace. Soon, she heard a jingle. "Black coffee," Brittany grinned, perching on the edge of the bed.

Santana sat up, knowing that Brittany wouldn't let her sleep in any later. "Thanks," she said, giving the other woman a small smile.

In Brittany's other hand, she held a mug of green strawberry tea. That was her favorite warm beverage. Santana was a strictly black coffee in the morning person. "How long have you been up?" Santana asked.

"I got up at five," Brittany replied.

Santana had no idea how Brittany woke up so early. If Santana woke up earlier than ten, she would be a disaster. "Do we have to go to the gym?" she pleaded, giving her wife puppy eyes.

"San, you promised!"

"It's too early though."

"It's eight and I woke up three hours ago. Therefore, it's not too early," Brittany explained.

"It is for me!"

Santana frowned at Brittany. "If I don't have to do to the morning workout, I'll clean the house, pick up groceries, and learn how to cook."

Brittany crinkled up her nose in thought before replying. "Deal. But I'll get the groceries since I'll already be out."

"That works for me."

Santana leaned over to place a kiss on Brittany's lips. "See you later, babe."

Brittany left their apartment thirty minutes later. Santana forced herself out of bed since it would take a while to clean the house. She didn't want to disappoint Brittany again. Santana stretched and walked into the living room space. Brittany had designed the apartment so everything had a splash of color. Santana secretly loved it. The curtain and accent pillows were bright florals. Orange lamps donned the dark end tables on either side of the sky-blue couch. Two dusty pink chairs with zig-zag accent pillows faced the gold coffee table in the middle of the room. Lord Tubbington lay upon the bright orange ottoman, taking yet another nap. A lesbian flag hung on the wall above the TV. The décor may have been deemed as too wild by others, but to Santana, it was home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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