Rynique- The Bodyguard

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A/N: Thank you to Carson for requesting this. I'm sorry it's so late but I hope it was worth the wait!

Requests are open!! If you want to request a ship + prompt, message me the request on here or in the comments, on wattpad @alinelovelace, Tumblr @alinelovelace, or on instagram @encyclopediabrittana !

I'm sorry this chapter is so late! I got busy with family issues and my time to write pretty much disappeared. I'll be posting chapters more regularly this summer since I won't have homework. Thank you all for being patient!

Unique stared at herself in the vanity mirror in her dressing room. Her makeup barely smudged in the three hours she had spent performing. She had just finished her show, and she had done spectacular. Unique smiled at the bright red roses sitting on the chair next to her. Tonight was beyond exciting. Not only did she perform the best she ever thought she had, she also was getting a bodyguard. Waiting to find out who her first bodyguard would be was a long, antagonizing wait. Her excitement was contagious onstage and all the other actor performed better than they normally did too. Having her first bodyguard was a huge deal. She was finally famous enough to need someone to protect her. Unique had worked hard to get to where she was and it was finally paying off. Her rise to stardom was finally starting.

Unique wiped off the last of her stage makeup. It was strange seeing herself with so much makeup on and then none at all. She reached for her eyeshadow pallet and her lipstick. Unique applied only a little, so it looked natural. She wanted to look perfect to meet her bodyguard. She was going to be spending a lot of time with him and first impressions were everything. Unique fluffed her hair and took a deep breath. She gathered her roses from the chair and stood up. Unique glanced in the mirror one more time to make sure she looked stunning. Her bob was still in ringlet curls from the show. She spun in the mirror to check out her outfit. Her black jeans accentuated her long legs and her pea coat hugged her curves. She was prepared to meet her bodyguard.

Unique headed out of her dressing room, carefully shutting the door behind her. The theater was empty. The lights were dimly shining, a stark comparison to standing on the stage. Unique blinked a couple times, trying to adjust her eyes. She ambled along, enjoying the quiet of the theater. It was a huge difference from only a few hours earlier. Actors loudly complaining, crew members rushing around. The typical theater mess. A janitor must have been by earlier, the linoleum floors were spotless. Unique swore she could see her reflection on the floor. She walked towards the side door, heeled boots clicking. Her bodyguard would be there to greet her outside the theater.

Unique left through the side door instead of the main entrance and was surrounded by brick buildings. There were icicles hanging from the windows on the building next to her and there was slush on the ground. She inwardly groaned. The slush was going to ruin her boots. Unique's breath formed puffs of vapor. She glanced around before pretending to light a cigarette and puff smoke. "You smoke?"

Unique jumped, startled by the voice. She turned towards the street to see a man in a suit. Unique was grateful it was dark out, her face was flushed red. "No, I don't."

The man was lithe with a side swept bangs. His facial features were hidden in the darkness. "Are you Unique Adams?" he questioned.

"Yes, I am. And you are?"

"Ryder Lynn. Your new bodyguard." He quickly bowed and gave her an embarrassed smile.

Unique smiled and walked closer to Ryder. "It's nice to finally meet you."

She offered her hand to him and he took it, firmly shaking it. Unique had hoped that he would kiss it, but she knew that kind of thing only happened in romantic movies. She reminded herself that her relationship with Ryder would be strictly professional, not some sappy love movie. A gust of icy wind blew and Unique hugged herself. "I'm going to get going, it's cold out," she explained, trying not to be too awkward.

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