Chapter 28

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Yes, this is very much overdue. Between NaNo, originals, and lifing, this went on the backburner. Oops. Enjoy! And I promise, we're already working on the next chapter.


**|Sang's POV|**

I stay in the bathroom, finally getting my shower. I use the time washing up to collect all my thoughts, trying to figure out what the hell happened.

I argued with North.

And then kissed him.

And what was with how he left. Who kisses a forehead? Why would he do that? Isn't that something a mother does to her child?

Is he treating me like a child?

No, he definitely isn't. He wouldn't have kissed me like that if he saw me as a child. I hope.

I don't turn off the shower until my skin is red from the heat and all the scrubbing. When I finish, I throw on my clothes and then dry my hair as best as I can.

Another few minutes and then I'm out the door, my braid falling down my back.

"About time," someone says and I jump, turning to see Luke grinning, leaning against the wall next to the door.

"Were you standing there the entire time, waiting for me?"

He shrugs. "I wanted to make sure you weren't going to make a run for it."

I huff and walk pass him. What is with everyone thinking I'm going to jump out a window?

"It's a little later than we wanted to eat but they're reheating the food, so come down and eat with us," Luke says, his eyes going puppy-dog style and pulling at my heart.

He makes it so hard to say no.

I nod and he breaks out into a wide grin, his eyes lighting up.

He doesn't waste time leading me out of the bedroom and down to the first floor, where we can hear the chattering of the rest of the guys and the clanking of dishes. It sounds like I'm about to walk into a cafeteria. I pull myself together, knowing that the moment I walk into the room, they were all going to go quiet and stare at me.

I don't try to think about what happened to me last night and what they must have been told. I messed up. I know that and I don't want them rubbing it in.

Luke grabs my arm gently and tugs me into the room and just like I thought, everyone grows quiet as they stare at me.

I don't meet North's eyes despite feeling them drill into me with questions he wants to ask. I still don't know what he talked to Wil about but I'm too chicken to ask. If I do ask, it would also just give North the opportunity to grill me about Wil.

North doesn't need to know about Wil. I don't want them getting an idea of what my past was like. It's none of their business.

"Great, Miss Sang, come sit," Sean calls out, patting the table in front of the open seat next to him.

Luke goes over and sits next to Gabriel and Nathan while I slowly walk over to Sean with North across from me. The table is covered with every type of breakfast food under the sun. Pancakes, waffles, eggs in two different styles, all the meats, potatoes, fruit, yogurt, and I'm pretty sure that jug of orange juice is freshly squeezed.

I slide into the chair, tugging one of my legs underneath me. Keeping on hand out of sight and as my fingers plays with the bottom of my shirt. My nerves skyrocket with so many in the room, most of the focused on me.

"Oy, let's fucking eat before it gets cold again," Gabriel says and then reaches over for a plate and begins piling waffles on his plate.

"Please say you like pancakes," Luke says reaching for the high stack of them. "Or we can't be friends anymore."

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