Part 1-Origin

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3:13 a.m- Forest Region, Kalos

A meteor shower was going to take place over Kalos and all the scientists in that region were going to watch it closely. Professor Sycamore was quite intrigued and wanted to go to a certain spot in the woods that should give him perfect sightings of the shower. No light pollution would be over this secret place, and everything would be perfect. Little did he know that his life would change forever. At the site, Professor Sycamore made himself comfortable and leaned back to watch the sky. The meteors started to rain down like silver streaks. One caught his eye. It seemed to be falling down to where he was and as it fell he heard a song. Ethereal and beautiful it lilted through the nooks and crannies of his very being. It landed, and he saw immediately that it was not a meteor but a star. It lay there, silver and glowing, like a hunk of diamond. And inside that diamond was a girl. The song was even stronger in his mind now and when he walked over towards the diamond, it grew ever stronger. He touched the stone and it melted away, leaving only the girl. The song also vanished as if it was never there. Now he gazed at the figure on the soft moss, glowing silver-blue from the stone's touch. She had dark hair with a red tint to it and a well shaped face and jaw. Her skin had no blemishes and was a light caramel color. Her ears had a slight point to them, barely noticeable. She was clothed in a dark grey tunic, black pants and dark brown boots. She had on gloves and gauntlets. A hood was over her beautiful hair, connected to a vest over her other clothes. A satchel with a glowing blue stone in the center was slung over her shoulder. But all of this was nothing compared to her choker. It was made out of an opaque stone or glass and seemed like night itself frozen and solidified. A malice emanated from it, and it started to glow and send out trails of red light. One of the tendrils touched him and the light receded into the stone. It no longer emanated malice but now there was a kindness that encircled him. Then he noticed the strange shape. It made a confusing symbol, sort of like an arrow. Next to her lay a staff of ebony wood, with twirling silver vines on it, and next to that, a strange instrument. He had no idea what it was or who she was but he needed to figure it out. Something on her neck shimmered and crawled and an outline of a strange creature became apparent. Then as quickly as it appeared it was gone. The professor blinked then picked up the still form. She couldn't be more than 11 years old. Carrying her to the van, Professor Sycamore laid her down in the seat and then walked back to get the staff and instrument. Picking them up, he wondered about where she came from. Putting the items by her side, he got in the van and drove to the lab. Getting out he called one of the scientists over.

"May I have some help please."

"Of course," she responded "what do you need'

"I found something strange and I need to start researching right away."

"Got it."

"Thank you, please make her comfortable."

The scientist walked out to the van when it hit her.

"Wait a minute, her?"

She turned around but there was no sign of the professor. She shook her head and opened the door of the van.

A world away- Hyrule Field

Zelda cried, tearing, heartbroken sobs over the blackened spot in the ground while Link looked on with a stunned expression, a single tear tracing down his dusty face. The blackened spot seemed to waver for a moment as a breath of air washed over it. Then it changed. Link drew his sword with a slither as Zelda gasped, then they stared in shock. It was a mirror between worlds and it showed Nyx and Ganondorf hurtling through space. They started to change. Nyx's ears became less pointed and she started to look younger, about 11 years old. Her clothing stayed the same and Fell swirled and turned into a pup. The last Zelda saw of them was them hurtling through the darkness, a strange substance encasing them in a diamond like container. The vision faded away and Zelda got to her feet and stumbled off to find the survivors of the battle. Link offered support and they shared a glance together, then back at the wall. They disappeared into the twilight. For an instant all was silent except for the crackling of the fires in Hyrule town, then the wall shimmered and a chilling sight took place. Ganondorf split into four balls of dark energy, two hurtling through the space and two rushing towards the window. They burst out of the wall with a crackling sound and flew into the air, disappearing in the twilight.

Hyllia looked on from above, biting her lip in concentration. Ganondorf was clever and he would soon form in his bestial form, Ganon. Nyx and Pup however, would need to defeat both spheres of darkness in their world in order to save them all. The mission before them was dire and Hyllia was unable to help them much, else she would doom the quest. A nudge here, a warning there, was all she could offer. It would have to be enough, or else the world would fall to shadow and flame.

11:11 p.m-Sycamore's Pokemon Lab, Lumiose City, Kalos Region

Nyx knew darkness. It was the first thing that she remembered. The next thing was a surging power, like the dull aching of a limb, flowing inside her. Blue spirals danced across her vision and it felt like knowledge was downloading into her. Her eyes opened and blinding light filled her vision. Her vision slowly cleared. She sat up. She was wearing a silken tunic, white and pristine. There were leggings under it, thankfully. She hated any outfit that didn't have pants or that restricted her movement. Throwing off the blanket she stood up and almost fell over. Her legs did not support her but as she stood, they grew steadier and soon she stood without any help. Walking to the door, she opened it. Navigating the corridors, Nyx walked for what seemed an endless period of time, following a strange tingling in her body and the blue light that flickered at the edges of her vision. Going through a door, she walked into a beautiful garden with a pond in the middle and flowers all around. Looking up, she saw the night sky through the glass ceiling. Walking over to the pond, she looked around. It was so gentle and quiet. Sitting down on the grassy ground, Nyx gazed into the clear water. It was like a mirror and behind her she saw a strange creature that looked like a honeycomb, slowly hovering closer to her. She didn't want to scare it away but she didn't know weather it was friend or foe. Slowly turning around, Nyx looked straight at the strange creature. Its eyes widened and it buzzed away. Then she noticed several eyes staring at her. More of the strange creatures came out of the bushes and one buzzed out of the group, she noticed it as the one from earlier, it said

"Combee?" Nyx cocked her head at the Combee. It smiled and buzzed off, so did all its companions, and Nyx was left alone. Another creature came out, it looked like a black shark crossed with a rocket.



It smiled and walked closer. Nyx cocked her head, so did Garchomp. They both smiled and laughed at the same time. Garchomp called out.

"Garchomp! Gar-Gar-chomp!"

The Combee came out and so did a lot of other creatures. They started to introduce themselves.





"Chespen! Chep-e-cha!"



Nyx knelt down. "Hello to you too! My name is Nyx!" The creatures smiled. Then the Garchomp looked at Nyx's neck and jumped back. Her new friends jumped back too and shrieked in surprise and fear. A shimmering pup was running down Nyx's neck and to her arm. She stared, fascinated by the movement. It reached her hand.

POP! A pup looked up at her.



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