Part 17-

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The Forest before Santalune City

Serena smiled as she watched Fennican frisk around in the forest and on the trail. She heard a rustle. Before she could move a muscle or call out a Dedenne hopped on her arm, her head and catapulted itself off into the forest. A larger rustle sounded and Serena started to move out of the way. Before she could move more than a few inches a grey and black streak bowled her over. Serena cried out and fell onto her back, knocking the wind out of her.

"Fennican!" cried Fennican as she turned.

Furious she let loose a short Ember blast. It singed the creature who spun and knocked Fennican onto the ground with a swipe from its paw. Before Fennican could move the creature had its jaws fixed around Fennican's neck.

"Fennican!" yelled Serena, startled by the turn of events.

A sense told her to turn around. A Gardevoir rushed out of the woods, stopping short at the scene in front of her. Before Gardevoir could say anything something slammed into her back. It was a Pikachu.

"Pica!" cried Pikachu in surprise.

Gardevoir tucked into a ball and froze everyone with Psychic.


"Sh...It's OK I'm right here. Do you mind releasing everyone but Pup from Psychic until I say the word?"

Gardevoir blushed and raised her hands, floating onto her feet. She waved them and Serena was able to move again, as was the Pikachu but Fennican and the creature that the girl had called Pup were still frozen on the ground. The girl crossed the distance between them in a few quick strides. Extending a hand to Serena she smiled, her eyes troubled.

"Sorry about that. My name's Nyx." she gestured to the entangled creatures. "Could you offer me a hand? I assume that Fennican is your Pokemon."

Serena took her hand and was surprised by her strong, callused grip. When Serena was on her feet Nyx turned and ran over to the two creatures. She took ahold of Pup's jaws and back. Serena, getting a drift of what she was trying to do, took ahold of Fennican and hugged her to her chest. Nyx glanced upwards.

"Careful," she warned Serena "Fennican is going to fly backwards so you don't want to be right there. Better to stabilize yourself against the energy."

Serena aggreed and distanstanced herself. Nyx nodded at Gardevoir.


The two creatures were released from Psychic. Nyx jumped backwards, forcing Pup's jaws apart. The sudden release of energy propelled Fennican and Serena backwards. Fennican, still furious, let loose Ember. Nyx swept the cloak up with one hand, the fire blast sizzling across it. She grinned and dodged to the side as another Ember raced towards them. Pup was trying to get away from her and fight Fennican again. Fennican wiggled loose from Serena and sprang towards Pup. Nyx lost her grip and Pup also sprang towards Fennican. Thrusting out her arm Nyx cried out in a strange language:


The two creatures froze in mid-air. Nyx, with a scowl on her face, growled at Pup.

"Do. Not. Engage. She is an ally. Now stop." She lowered her arm and the two unfroze. Nyx seemed to glow with power and an aura of shadow. Grabbing Pup she set him on her shoulder. She smiled at Sernia.

"Sorry for the trouble. Have a good day and may you be more lucky than I have in the past."

With a blur of motion, she disappeared into the forest. 

Serena glanced at Fennican and then looked around. All of the other Pokemon were gone.

"OK", she said as she took a deep breath, "that's new."

A young girl burst into the clearing.

"Excuse me, have you seen Nyx?"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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