Part 14- Deity Plans

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1:13 p.m-Pokémon Center in Santalune City

Nurse Joy took in with one look the bedraggled group with the severely injured Gardevoir.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed, hurrying around the desk, her Wigglytuff following her. "Please, give her to me immediately."

Nyx obligingly handed Gardevoir to her.

The three of them disappeared through the double doors and all Nyx and her friends could do was wait.

Hours passed and still Nurse Joy didn't show up. Everyone was asleep except Nyx and Pup, who stared at the firepit. Later the doors swung open and Nurse Joy came out. Nyx walked to meet her.

"Gardevoir is now ready to travel but I do want some answers," she started "I was surprised that she had lasted this long. What exactly happened?"

"I don't know." responded Nyx honestly "I found this Pokeball in the woods and I forgot to put it back."

"I will assume that you are telling the truth because Gardevoir seems to trust you-"

"Wigglytuff!" called Wigglytuff as Gardevoir was wheeled out of the back room.

Gardevoir floated over to Nyx and put both hands on her shoulders.

"Wha?"started Nyx

Then Gardevoir touched her head to Nyx's and Nyx's pocket started to glow.

A tendril of light curled around Nyx's and Gardevoir's arm and flashed brighter than the sun.

When Nyx's eyesight cleared Nurse Joy was staring at her with wonder.

"Gardevoir transferred her Pokeball to you," she said "That means that she is now your Pokemon."

"Woah!" said a voice from behind them. Nyx and Gardevoir turned.

Bonnie, Clemont, Ash, Pikachu, and Pup were staring at them, a look of awe on their faces.

"That is amazing!" said Clemont, adjusting his glasses as he thought " I have never seen anything like this but I have read that it is possible but it is very hard for the Pokemon to do. The circumstances have to be just so and..." he started to rattle on and on until Gardevoir floated over to him and laid her hands on his shoulders. She stared at him with blood red eyes.

"Gardevoir." is what it sounded like to everyone but Nyx, Clemont, and Pup.
"Thank you for sharing your knowledge, but please, save it for another time. Too many words at once can prevent you from experiencing the world around you." she said in a melodic voice.

She removed her hands from his shoulders and glided back to Nyx.

"It's getting late," said Nurse Joy "would you like to stay the night?"

"Yes please!" The group choursed and Pup let out a short bark, drawing an amused glance from Gardevoir before she nodded.

The Pokemon Center on the Way to Santalune City

Serena laughed as her new Fennican dipped her head into a bowl full of milk and came out with a mustache. The Fennican grinned back at her and hopped across the table to a napkin where it wiped off the milk.

"Mmm!" said Sernia as she shouted inside "Thanks for the meal!"

"No problem!" called a voice from inside. "Have fun!"

"We will!" she jumped off the porch of the Center. "Come on Fennican!"


Together they ran off into the distance.


Above them looking down from a world away...

Hyllia smiled at the young girl and her Fennican racing away. She would help them all she could. Unbeknownst to her a dark presence was forming behind her.

"Hello Hyllia."

She spun around.


"I do think you are wasting your time. Those puny heros don't stand a chance against me. "

"Don't forget, Nyx is blessed with the Triforce."

"But she cannot use it. She has power but cannot harness it to its full state."

"She will wield it proficiently soon. She is suffering in her mind, it is in turmoil after battling Ganondorf and seeing the soldiers and creatures under her command fall."

"So you sent Fi."

"Yes. If I send anyone else the battle will fail against Ganondorf."

"Ah Ganondorf, my favorite reincarnation yet." he strode over to where Hyllia was standing and swept his hand over the cloud vision. It changed and an image of a man with fiery red hair, spiked like a lion's mane, reclined in his chair. The vision grew sharper and inside the man two balls of dark energy rested, growing stronger off of his anger and hatred.

"Even now he grows stronger. Soon no one will be able to stop him, especially when he reopens the portal with my help to call the other two parts of his spirit back."

"And then?" asked Hylia, her eyes fixed on the balls of energy.

"Both worlds will fall to shadow and flame. Or at least," he gestured to the cloud picture of Hyrule, "That one will. My plan is...oh hang on," he glanced at her, "You don't need to know that but if I tell you, you'll pay the price."

"State it and I will see if it is perfectly unreasonable."

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