Part 12- Fletchling and Gardevoir

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12:37 a.m- On the Road to Santalune City

Inside the Pokeball Gardevoir cried, confused and in pain. Why had her trainer left her? She had done everything he had asked. She cared for him and did his bidding even when she would not have done it if she was wild. His name was Lysander and his cruelty to his Pokemon and his technicians was known widely in the Flare base. She had tried to heal him and cure his twisted heart and the two balls of energy that had forced their way into him. It had brought her only misery. First he took his other Pokemon and his technicians and used all of their most powerful moves on her. When she could no longer stand, let alone fight, he returned her to his Pokeball and threw it out the window of his plane. They were above Professor Sycamore's Pokemon Lab. She fell through the glass ceiling of the Garden and landed beside the pond. There she had lain for three days, waiting for someone to find her. A girl, as confused as she was, found her by the pond and cracked her knee on the hard surface of the Pokeball. She had picked her up and somehow sensed her pain but was interrupted by a Froakie that had wanted to travel with a boy named Ash. Now she was in the girl's pocket as she was walking down the road to Santalune City. Shivering in the cold Pokeball, Gardevoir turned over and closed her eyes, trying to sleep. In doing so she hit the side, sending a shudder up into the lining.

The Pokeball shuddered. Nyx stopped and looked down at her pocket.

"Pikachu?" asked Pikachu.

Nyx focused. She was getting used to listen to Pokemon but it was still difficult.

"What is it?" he said again.

"I'll tell you later." she said, sending a thought tendril to him. Pikachu nodded and turned around on Ash's shoulder. Unfortunately, Ash noticed.

"Nyx?" he asked


"Were you and Pikachu...talking?"

Now he had the other's attention. No backing out now...

"In a way..."she started


"I...I really don't know. I guess I can it?"

"That is so COOL!" He said, beaming


"Yeah!" he started bombarding her with questions. "What does it sound like? Does each Pokemon have a specific voice? How can you tell it is a certain creature?~"

She cut him off there.

"Whoa!!! Stop, please, cut it out!" she said laughing. "I will answer your questions but how can I when you keep on spouting them off?


She smiled. "My point exactly. I'll tell you when we stop."

"OK." he grinned and took her arm, pulling her up front.

"Until then stop hanging back there! I would like to talk about Pokemon with you. You seem to know a lot!"

"Really?" she said, surprised

"Yeah!" he beamed "All Pokemon seem to like you. You are kind and compassionate, best of all you can talk to them. No one else I know can talk to them like that. I can talk to Pikachu but not without words." he kept talking and talking.

So it went until they reached a forest. Nyx stretched out her senses when she heard a rustle. For a moment there was nothing, them a beam of light came out at her in the "life map" as she called it. It was a tiny Pokemon. It's name was Dedenne. She looked at it. It froze, then moved up a tree to get a fruit. He pulled and pulled but it was useless. He gave one more mighty tug and the twig snapped. It almost hit Pikachu but Nyx caught it. She smiled and tossed it up to Dedenne.

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