Part 16- Enter Team Rocket and Their Nefarious Plans...

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Bonnie was up with her brother, getting ready to wake up Ash when an explosion sounded outside.

"Oh come on!" Nyx's voice sounded piqued "How long can I go without making something explode!"

"Buzz-whirr-whirr-clank!" something fell to the ground.

Bonnie burst outside.

Nyx's face was blackened and her hair was scorched at the ends. At her feet lay the remains of a spidery leg.

"Ne-ne-ne!" called a panicked voice behind her.

Nyx spun around and sprinted into the woods, her hair catching on fire.

A wreath of electric energy appeared in the darkness of the woods and the shriek of a dying spider reached Bonnie's ears.

She sprinted into the woods.

Nyx had drawn a strange staff and was whipping it around, knocking spiders out of the air as they jumped at her. The Dedenne that she had seen earlier was using Thundershot on most of them, making them short circuit and fall to the ground. Soon the barrage was over except for one spider which Nyx threw up in the air and swung at with her black staff, hitting it over the treetops.

"And stay away!" she yelled at the shrinking shape.

The Dedenne hopped up on her shoulder and seemed to notice Bonnie for the first time. It chittered at Nyx and tugged on a strand of her auburn hair.

"What is it?" Nyx asked as she turned, seeing Bonnie she gave a half jump, "Oh. Hi Bonnie!"

"Hi! Where did you find Dedenne?" she asked as she ran over to where Nyx stood.

"In the forest. He wanted to come with you if he could."

"Great! Awww, he's soooo cute!" she cooed as Dedenne jumped up on her shoulder.

"Isn't he? Now come on! Your brother is bound to have an extra Pokeball!"

They ran into the clearing just as a net dropped down over Bonnie and Dedenne.

"Bonnie!" yelled Nyx as they started to get yanked into the sky. With all that she was worth she jumped into the sky and grabbed the net, crying out in pain as her arm was jerked painfully upwards. Her cry brought Ash and Pikachu running out into the field, Clement close behind. Nyx blushed. She must have yelled when Ash was changing because he had on his jeans and sneakers but still had on his nightshirt.

"Whoops..." she mumbled as her ears turned red. A clank startled her and she looked up. She was below the belly of a large hot air balloon that had two people with red R's on their uniforms and a Meouf peeking over the rim, their eyes wide with fright as they saw the girl that was hanging onto the net with one hand as the other went for something in her satchel.

"Hey Jessie?" Meouf said without looking away from the strange sight.


"If she gets that hand out with something to fight us with we're done for."

"Yep." agreed James who was also staring at Nyx.

There was a scrambling as the faces disappeared from over the edge of the basket and then an electrical current shot through Nyx.

"Aghh!!!" Nyx screamed as her body was wreathed in electrical energy. Her grip loosened and she was falling, falling, falling, to the earth far below. A voice screamed her name but she couldn't tell who it was. Her eyesight cleared for a moment and she saw that the hole she had cut in the net Bonnie had fallen through. She reached out, trying to slow her fall but her body ran out of energy. Her head lolled back and she saw stars, constellations of Hyrule and then all went black.

Bonnie screamed as she fell. It was terrifying. For an instant she felt as if something was starting to slow her but then the sensation stopped and she fell faster again. Gardevoir reached up with her arms and she was held in place with Psychic. When she looked downward she saw that Nyx was also caught in Psychic. Slowly they drifted to the ground. Nyx looked like she was unconscious but then she sat up with a gasp and sprang to her feet.

"Pup!" she yelled

Instantly a bark rang from the forest. Pup appeared, running with great speed to them.

Nyx tapped her shoulder and spoke in Pup's ear. He sniffed the air and then let out a howl and ran off into the forest. Nyx sprinted after him but then slowed down to a jog, and then a walk. Pup gave a glance over his shoulder and ran back to Nyx.

She shook her head and pointed back to the forest. Pup whined and nuzzled her. She sighed and petted his head.

"Go. Find Dedenne. Please. I'll follow as fast as I can."Bonnie heard her say. Pup barked at her and practically flew into the woods. Nyx sighed and pulled something out of her pocket and drank it. It looked like a blue liquid that seemed to shimmer and vibrate inside the bottle. Nyx straightened up and glanced over her shoulder. Ash had grabbed his jacket and put it on over his nightshirt. Nyx looked about to say something when Gardevoir stiffened. A howl came from the woods. Nyx whipped her head around, a painicked look in her eyes. She opened her mouth and from her came a chilling, gut-wrenching howl. It conveyed all of her worry and pain that she was feeling. Another howl answered her and Nyx relaxed. She turned to the group that had run up to her and said:

"Pup found Dedenne but for some reason he is afraid of all of us now. He ran away from Pup, who he had played with, when he saw him. We need to find him soon. Come on!"

Gardevoir nodded and ran into the woods. Pikachu soon followed. Bunnelby burst from his Pokeball and dug into the ground. Nyx started to turn and then looked at Bonnie.

"Are you OK? That was a pretty long fall."

"Mmm! Gardevoir caught me!"

Nyx smiled at her and then grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry. We'll find Dedenne."

Then she spun and sprinted into the forest along with the other Pokemon.

Bonnie followed her as quick as her legs could take her.

"Well," started Ash as he glanced over at Clemont, "She definitely has her fair share of secrets."

"Yep. Come on! We don't want to lose Bonnie!" he said trotting into the forest.

"Right." Ash agreed as he followed. 

Author's Note: 

Insert energy potion! Hope you guys like this so far...

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