Part 4-The Spider

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11:27 a.m. Pokemon Battle Field




The Pokemon's exclamations filled the air as Ash, Pikachu, Bunnelby, Clemont, and Bonnie stood against Team Rocket. Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet smirked at the top of the stairs leading down to the battlefield.

"You miserable twerps!" Jessie smirked "No one can stand against our might!"

"We'll soon see." said Ash, a steel edge in his voice.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash yelled.

Pikachu rose up into the air.


"Wobbuffet use Reflect!" Jessie said, a smirk on her face.


The Thunderbolt hit Wobbuffet's Reflect and bounced off, hitting Pikachu!

"Pikachu!" Ash cried as his Pokemon was enveloped in an electric cloud.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed as he was flung backward through the air via the strengthened electric attack. Ash sprung up in the air, catching Pikachu but in the processes getting flung back to the ground.

"Ash!" Clemont and Bonnie chorused as Ash landed with a thud.

"You OK buddy?" Ash asked Pikachu as Pikachu settled in his arms.


This stalemate continued over and over again until Pikachu couldn't get up again.

"Pikachu!" Ash called "Do one last Thunderbolt!"


"Reflect!" Jessie called out and the electric energy went spiraling back to Pikachu.


A blue and white flash flung itself in front of Pikachu, catching him and taking all of the damage from the intensified attack.

"Aaah!" Ash, Clemont, Bonnie and Team Rocket yelled at the unexpected appearance of the strange Pokemon.

Froakie sparked and sizzled as he took further damage from the reflected attack. Setting Pikachu on the ground, Froakie lept into the air and grabbed his Frubbles, throwing them at Team Rocket.

"Ha! You think that's going to stop us? Wobbuffet, use Reflect!"


Wobbuffet lept into the air to stop the Frubbles, but they stuck onto his Reflect, knocking him backwards with the rest of the onslaught directly into Team Rocket!

"Great! Pikachu use Thunderbolt."

"Pika- pika-pika-chuuuu!"


A Thunderbolt and a Water Pulse spiraled towards Team Rocket.


"You know what to say to this." James said to Jessie as they spiraled through the air.

"You bet I do." said Jessie, subdued.

"We were so close this time." chimed Meouf.


"We're blasting off again!!!"


A twinkle of light was all that remained of Team Rocket as they blasted off, and then that too was gone into the blue of the sky.

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