Part 2-Discovery

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11:27 p.m.-Sycamore's Pokemon Labs-Lumiose City-Kalos Region

Professor Sycamore woke up in his chair. He was exhausted by his research on Mega Evolution and watching the cubicle where the strange girl slept. Each night she haunted the edges of his dreams, an eerie presence, dark and foreboding but also a little sad and remorseful too. Stretching he looked at the screen. 11:27 pm. Looking at the cubicle camera and then looking away to his studies. He started. Whipping around he looked back at the camera. She was gone! Hurriedly he flipped through the monitors' screens.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, wait a minute. There!"

The garden camera was showing a dark figure surrounded by all the pokemon in the garden. As he watched, a blue spark ran down the figure's arm and popped out into the moonlight.

A strange pokemon appeared and seemed to make a sound to the figure in the darkness. The professor tore himself away from the camera and ran down to the garden. At the door, he paused. That girl could be dangerous.

"No, she's just a girl, what harm could she do?"

Opening the door he walked into the garden.

11:32 p.m-The Garden-Sycamore's Pokemon Lab-Lumiose City-Kalos Region

Nyx heard the sound and turned around. A man in a white coat, a blue shirt and black pants was in the door. The little pup jumped forward and growled. Instantly she became alert. If the pup thought that the man was trouble, then she should be wary. She crouched in a defensive position and growled, a low rumbling sound. The man stepped forward, startlingly, and she changed her growl to a snarl. The man hesitated and then started to talk with a calming tone to her. She stopped snarling and cocked her head at him. He stepped forward, snarl, step back, silence. He sat down and looked at her. The pup was still snarling at him. Nyx still was wary but he didn't look dangerous. The blue sparks spiralled into her vision. She stepped back, surprised. They formulated into strange glyphs. She blinked and it was if a lens was slipped over her eyes. She could read them!

"Observe your surroundings carefully, you know not who is friend or foe, beware the ones who speak honeyed words, they often will befall you woe."

She crouched and snarled again, then had a sudden urge to flee. She leaped up as high as she could. To her surprise, she leaped above the tree! Coming down she reached out and grabbed the branch nearest to her. Then she swung herself as hard as she could to the next tree and seemed to fly above, when she landed she pushed off again and repeated it again.

11:37 p.m-The Garden

Professor Sycamore's eyes widened. The girl had stepped back, surprised. Then she crouched, snarled, and then jumped straight up into the air. She soared above the tree and when she came down, there was a blur of movement, and then she was gone. A rustle echoed in one tree, then the next and the next.


He somehow scared her off but how? He just talked to her. Ah! That's it! Maybe if he just sat quietly she would come. He seated himself down and started to do some research on his phone. Soon he dozed off.

11:57 p.m-The Garden

Nyx crept close to the still form and looked over his shoulder. A computer screen glowed brightly in the darkness. The letters at the top flickered and another lens slipped over her vision.

"Mega Evolution? What is that?" Nyx muttered.

She started to feel tired. The pup nuzzled her and curled against her. Slowly its breath slowed. Nyx picked it up. It was warm and heavy in her arms. Nyx yawned. She sat down against the tree and slowly slipped off to sleep.

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