Part 3, Chapter 1- The Gang's All Here...Almost

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8:56 a.m- Lumiose City Airport-Kalos Region


Ash looked down at his stomach and then smiled at Pikachu.

"Guess I'm hungry again."

They smiled at each other and then asked for a pack of nuts from the airline waitress.

"Of course! Right away sir!"

As the waitress walked away Ash turned to the lady beside him.

"Alexa, what do you think of the view?"

Alexa looked over his shoulder and out at the swirling clouds in the sky.

"It's wonderful! I love looking out at the beautiful sky, it's so peaceful."

Just then the waitress returned with a pack of nuts and some Pokemon food for Pikachu.



"No problem!"

She walked off as the overhead light came on and the intercom blared:

"This is your pilot, we will be landing shortly so please buckle up and wait for further instruction."

Ash and Pikachu sat down and buckled themselves up. The plane started to tip forward.

Across the aisle, in the back, was a strange group of people.

A young boy with an brown head of curly hair, a girl with pink hair that looked about like she was 17 as well as the boy with blue hair who also looked 17. They seemed to be keeping close tabs on Ash and Pikachu. They were actually Team Rocket, and as usual, they were intent on stealing Ash's Pikachu. The plane landed with a screech and Team Rocket went to the cargo bay and jumped out, changing on the way. Ash, oblivious to their efforts was still looking out the window with an ever vigilant Pikachu on his shoulder. Alexa looked over at him, smiling.

'Ash' she thought, 'you are going to love Kalos. There are so many pokemon!'

Ash's face beamed pure excitement and joy as the plane came in for the docking bay.

9:00 a.m- Sycamore's Pokemon Lab

Nyx pushed back from the table. Pup, across from her, walked over to her and fell into her lap, heaving a sigh of contentment. The Professor smiled at her. A blue spark jumped into the air and alighted on Nyx's arm. It changed form into a wolf pup and walked sluggishly up her arm to her neck, then it curled into a ball and shimmered. The Professor blinked. It was gone! It was like it melted into her skin. He turned his head to look out the window and in the periphery of his eye still saw the shape on her neck, but when he turned his head back again, it was gone.

"Nyx..." she looked up at him, a question in her eyes "What did Pup just do?"

"Oh," she looked down and then back up at him "I don't actually know..."

"You don't?!" the Professor exclaimed.

"No, sorry." Nyx responded.

"It's alright. Did you enjoy your meal?"

"Yes, thank you! Whoever cooked this has quite the hand for the culinary arts!"

"Culinary what?" the Professor questioned.


'OK then, I guess she means cooking...' the Professor thought.

Nyx and Professor Sycamore pushed back their chairs and got up from the table.

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