Part 11-Our Journey Begins...

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Serena's House

Serena was eating breakfast as she saw a replay of what had happened last night. A boy jumped after his Pokemon that fell off of Prism Tower after saving a Garchomp. All of a sudden a blue streak flashed down the building and the camera spun around as a gust of wind hit it. When the picture cleared no one was there. The camera cut to a few minutes later when the boy walked out of an alley. The camera followed them but Serena thought that she had seen something jump to the roof and vanish in the distance. As the camera zoomed in for a close up she gasped.

"It's Ash!"

8:09 a.m- The Roof

"Nyx?" a voice called from below her. Sighing, Nyx looked down into the Lobby. A shadowed figure walked among the wreckage. It was Ash. "Nyx..." Ash called again. Nyx jumped down into the hole in the ceiling and clung to the wall.

"Nyx? Where are you?" he hadn't seen her.

A devious grin spread on her face as she moved herself around behind him. She jumped off the wall and slunk along the floor behind the wreckage. Soon she was directly behind him.

"I'm right here." she said softly.

"Ahhh!" Ash cried jumping headlong into a pile of concrete.

Nyx sighed, shook her head, and helped him up.

"How did you do that!" he asked as he brushed himself off.

"Practice." she replied bluntly.

He smiled at her. "Do you want breakfast, we're just about to eat."

"Sure. Why not?" she said following him as he walked to the garden.

Along the way she spotted a spider following her. She sighed.

"Stop." she told Ash, turning around.

"Why? What is it?" he asked looking after her.

Nyx lunged.

The spider never had a chance.

Nyx walked back to Ash and smiled.



In silence she walked with him to the garden.

In the garden there was some delicious food laid out. Professor Sycamore, Bonnie, Clement, Sarah, and the Pokemon were starting to eat near the pond.

"Nyx!" Professor said, waving her over. Nyx smiled at him and sat down beside him. Ash sat with Pikachu.

"Did you all have a good sleep?" Nyx asked.

"Yes." responded everyone around her.

"Good!" she winked at Bonnie secretively.

A breeze swirled in through the open hole in the ceiling bringing the sweet scent of flowers. At least, that is what the others smelled. To Nyx it brought the scent of something ancient, sweet and beautiful. Nyx looked down, her vision was blurry and she felt herself slipping off...

"Aren't they beautiful?" asked Zelda

They were younger, at least five or six years old. Nyx felt strange as her hold on reality slipped away.

"Yes, they really are!" she bubbled, touching the flower Zelda indicated.

They were delicate, five petal flowers with blue insides and white outsides. A rosette of leaves ringed the stem.

"Zelda!" called a voice. "Where are you?"

Nyx's eyes widened and she started to slink to the bushes.

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