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"sister! sister! wake up!"

I groan, and open my eyes, adjusting to the light.

"good morning Isabelle." I reply.

My little sister giggles and looks up to my ceiling, and stares. She's thinking.

She gasps and looks back at me.

"Mommy made breakfast, she also said to hurry up or she will come up here and knock some sense into you." She says, a smile on her face the entire time.

"Okay, go downstairs and eat now. I'll be down soon."

"Okay." With that, she's out of my room.


I groan once again, turn to my bedside table and pick up the phone.

Me - Hello?

Ciara (pronounced Kiara) - get the fuck up whore!

Me - good morning to you too Ciara.

Ciara - well sorry. Hey Diara?

Me - what.

Ciara - I can feel your poker face. Anyways, can I come over a-

"Diara Azul Martinez Gonzalez-" I cut mother off, "YA VOY!"

Ciara - anyways, can I come over and eat breakfast with you guys? Parents are going crazy over me going to a party yesterday.

Me - yup. Gotta go, I'll leave the door open.

Ciara - alrighty.

With that, I hung up, and ran downstairs.

"Hola mama." I shout, excited for this great day.

It's been awhile since I've been happy, honestly I'm just happy because I'm a senior. I'm halfway done. Sooo close to the end.

"Finally, you're awake." My little sister says, stuffing her face with pancakes.

"Hola mija, what took you so long?" My mother questions, slightly worried.

I hold in my laughter, "just talking to Ciara. She's coming over, her parents are going nuts over her going to a party."

"I honestly think they're stuck up. Sticks up their- hey Ciara!" My mom stops herself.

Ciara smiles with her pearly teeth and sits down next to me, "you're totally right" is all she says.

We all end up laughing.

"What's so funny?" My sister chugs her milk.

"Nothing pequeña. Go play with your toys in the living room." My mom smiles dearly to my sister, as Isabelle runs off.

"Are you guys excited for school tomorrow?" Mom hands us plates of food. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and lastly orange juice. Typical.

We just respond with "meh." Then we feast.

"Mama, were gonna get ready to go shopping, wanna come?" I shout, walking down the stairs.

"No mija! I'll drop you off if you want."

"No it's okay! Ciara brought her car."

"Okay mija! The card is on the counter top!"

I swipe the card and run back upstairs.

"Like this?" I walk in to Ciara wearing a skirt and top of mine.

"Ooo yesss! Get it best friend!"

We giggle and get ready.

We blast music in the room.

I get ready, wearing a cropped grey hoodie, and some ripped black jeans, I quickly threw on a pair of high top full on black converse and got into my bathroom and began on brushing my teeth, I then put on some nude lipstick and quick winged eyeliner, satisfied I walked out of the bathroom.

"You ready Diara?"

"Yeah, lets roll!"


We blasted some music, we sang every song perfectly.

"Diara, I've been telling you, you should pursue a career in Music. You love writing and you have things to sing about. Li-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there Ciara. My life isn't something to sing about. That's my personal life."

"Whatever." She replies, changing the song.

We let it go after a while and continue jamming out to music.

We get to stop light and turn down the music and just chill out so people won't think we're crazy.

"Ehh fuck it." I turned it up again.

Ciara laughs and shakes her head.

Do re mi comes on. My jam.

I sing every word.

"Do re mi fa so fucking done with you boyyyyy.." making gestures as I sing along.

Ciara just laughs at me but I continue.

She laughs even harder and I stop.

"Oh shut up! You were just saying I sang good! Traitor!" I push her playfully, giggling.

She begins dying of laughter and points to the right of me.

"You got a good voice ma." A boy in the car next to us says.

"Literally there's nothing funny about that Ciara." I blush and look down.

People begin honking.

"Ciara go shithead!"


We have gone to so many stores and now we go to eat at the food court.

We decide on Panda Express and order.

We eat our food and are ready to go home.

We drive home after a long day and are extremely tired. We knock out as soon as we hit the bed.


Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring but the next ones with be interesting. This chapter is just so you get to know Diara.

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