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Alexa Myers

"You guys want to go dance?" Sylvia asks in the midst of the group conversation

"yeah." Xandra, Gilinsky, Johnson, Alici, Diara, and I say.

"we'll stay back and watch you guys." Nate smirks.

I roll my eyes.

Diara Martinez

Once we get onto the dance floor, Sodium by Bones comes on.

"ooooo yess!" Alexa shouts.

We all dance around, some of us buzzed and some actually just drunk.

Ciara eventually comes to dance with us and we probably look like complete idiots.

Oh well.

I suddenly feel someone behind me grinding up on me.

I instantly turn around.

"I have a boyfriend." I shout over the music.

"I know." I know that voice.

I groan, "go away Toddy."

"Never." he grabs my wrist and pulls me close.

"You're mine." A hint of anger in his voice. "you always have been."

"Let me go." How is no one noticing this?

"No." He says. "come on."

He begins to pull me away, I try to get out of his grip but he's stronger than me.

"Get off of her fuck face." Xandra grabs my arm other arm.

I look at her and smile.

She smiles back.

"let her go cunt." she continues.

"No. She wants to come with me." He smirks.

"No, I fucking don't." I spit. "Let me go, creep."

"You loved this creep, baby."

I cringe at the name.

"I'm not your baby." I signal Xandra to let go off my arm.

She does so.

"Now let me go." I spit

"I already said no." He looks like he's about to hit me.

I should know.

"I said," I spit, he's getting me mad.

"Let me go!" I punch him.

He holds his face, and lets go.

"You'll be mine." he says, "bitch."

Hailey runs up to us.

"What'd you do him?!" she freaks.

"You would know if you weren't spreading STD's, you fucking whore!" I say, disgust on my face. "Now, I may not be the host of this party but I suggest you leave."

"What? You can't kick me out."

I slowly step towards her, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS PARTY, BEFORE I KILL YOU."

she backs up and grabs Toddy.

"Whatever. It was lame anyways."

"You had a great time bitch!" Nash shouts as Toddy and Hailey exit his home.

"You alright?" Nash asks.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." I reply. "Where's Derek?"

"He's still at the couch." Nash says. "Most people didn't hear anything over the music, including him and the gang."


We're a gang?

"okay. Thanks Nash." I smile and walk back to the remains of the group.

"You okay baby?" Derek asks as soon as he sets his eyes on me.

He quickly checks me and my body for anything.

I interrupt his search and grab his face.

"Babe, im fine." I reassure him, kissing him. "Can I spend the night at your place?"

"Of course." Derek says. "Do you wanna go right now?"

"Yeah." I grab my stuff as soon as I say yeah.

"Alright." He says. "Bye guys."

He does that one handshake thingy with the guys and hugs the girls and we head off to his place.


As soon as we went to his place, we watched movies, and did other things and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up with him holding me to his chest tightly.

I smile and try to get out of his grip, but fail.

"Baby." i whisper. "Wake up."

He groans. "No babygirl. Stay in bed."

"I have to piss." I kiss his cheek.

He groans once again and let's go.

I do my business and jump on the bed.

He smiles and looks up at me.

"You look beautiful even in the morning."

"Shut up Luh." I smile wide and cuddle up next to him.

The door opens revealing a pretty young girl.

"Derek, where the hell is my charger?" She asks.

"Oh hi." she notices me.

"Hey." I reply, smiling.

She smiles back.

"You the girl this boy continues rambling on about?" she continues, "if not, this just may be awkward."

I get a confused expression on my face.

"Yup, this is her." Derek cheekily smiles. "Diara, this is my sister Delany. Delany, this is my girlfriend.. Diara."

"We should totally hang out sometime!" Delany says.

"i'd be so down!" I reply. She seems super chill and fun.

"But.. for now, sadly, I must be getting my charger and heading out." Delany continues, "bye bye."

She quickly grabs a charger from Derek's drawer and runs out, shutting the door.

"She seems super damn cool." I say, as soon as she closes the door.

"She is." Derek smiles and holds me tighter.


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