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That fucker had the nerve to do that to one of my closest friends. He will pay.

He chuckles.

How disgusting.

"Beat you again!" Dillon shouts.

how cold and heartless.

"That's not fair!" Alici shouts. "This is only my first time playing, go easy on me Rupp!"

she then shoved him to the ground, and speeds in Mario Kart.

she then cackles.

Seems like she got it under control.

The group is at Xandras place, just hanging out and having fun on a Saturday night.

Diara told the group about Toddy abusing her and we've all decided to stay away from him, everyone was pretty much pissed.

The guys were hurt but it had hit Dillon the most since he knew Toddy a lot, but he couldn't believe he was capable of it. Nevertheless, he cut Toddy off completely.

The doorbell rings, signaling the pizza we ordered was here.

Diara rushes to the door and quickly comes back with pizza, wings and some sodas.

How did she carry it all?

We munch on pizza and wings until Ciara brings up a party that Nash is throwing tonight.

"I don't know, maybe it'll be fun." Ciara says.

"Hell yeah, it will." Nate says, "one time i banged this one gi-"

He stops and looks at me, cheesing as hard as he can.

I give a cold stone bitch face. "No Nathan. Please.. continue." i say, propping my elbow on the table, my head in my hand, and I just stare at him.

"Ooooo." Gilinsky, Sylvia, Johnson and John say.

"B-B-bitch!" Diara says, dying of laughter "you in trouble!"

"I-I-I" Nate says, "she was like so wack. Could never beat Alexa's and I's sex."

"EWWWWW." Alici says, taking a bite of her chicken wing. "Shut up! Nobody wants to know about how good the sex is!"

"True!" Johnson says.

"hell. I do." John says, Gilinsky nodding his head wildly.

I roll my eyes. Of course they do.

Sylvia and Xandra stare at them with a cold stare and they just shut up.

"We're going to that party, and we will have fun" Diara says.

"You're probably just saying that because you got a new dress or heels." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yes to both of those!" she screams.

the boys shout in victory.

I'm pretty excited but, i don't know. Something feels off.


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